Hello Dominick:

> Oh, and this probably explains why my previous two postings mysteriously 
> disappeared.
> I took the time to post this message for the benefit of readers of this 
> group.

I was able to view your initial comments at:

If you sent other comments, perhaps the list moderator (I can't remember
if there is one, or not) felt they were inappropriate for the list.

> Can you please tell me how I can remove R software packages that I 
> previously contributed from your archives?

This is a little silly.  Remember that we are an international community
and you are _reading_ the response in _English_ from someone who
primarily speaks _German_ (although I know his English is excellent).
Sometimes things do not come across well in e-mail and your response
indicates that this was one of those times.

I appreciated the time you took to describe how you got R working on
your Vista system, even if it will not be an issue for other users.


Dave H
David A. Henderson, Ph.D. 
Research Scientist 
Insightful Corporation 
1700 Westlake Avenue North, Suite 500 
Seattle, WA 98109-3044 
Tel: 206-802-2307 
Fax: 206-283-8691 

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