I have some compiled C code that I call from R, and I would like to
distribute this code as an R package through CRAN.  In the C code, I use the
gsl numerical libraries, mainly for the BLAS interface, some linear algebra
functions, and some optimization routines.  As I prepare this code to
conform to the specs for R packagtes, I am wondering if there is a
restriction on the use of external libraries in R packages, or am I limited
to those functions in the R API (or, in other words, do I need to convert my
gsl function calls to R API function calls)?  I have sifted through the R
documentation on this matter, but I could not find a clear answer.

And, on a related note, is there any documentation on the use of R API
functions, especially those listed in the Rinternals.h header?  Many of
these functions look like they might be useful, but I cannot find a
description of what they do, what the arguments are, and so forth.  Is
examining the source code directly the only way?



Michael Braun
Assistant Professor of Marketing
MIT Sloan School of Management
One Amherst St., E40-169
Cambridge, MA 02142
(617) 253-3436

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