Robin Hankin wrote:
 > Hello
 > One of my packages, untb_1.3-2, passes R CMD check under
 > MacOSX (and apparently the systems used in the package check
 > summary page on CRAN) but fails with the following message on
 > R-2.6.0.tgz compiled last night on my (home) linux box.  I hasten
 > to add that I have never seen this error before on home-compiled
 > pre-releases of R-2.6.0.
 > Can anyone help me understand what is going on?

Hi Robin,

congratulations to your published article about untb ;-)

One possible explanation is that your examples use random numbers which 
may be different ones during the CRAN check. I had this problem with 
another package where a "rare random number event" lead to 
non-convergence of optim during the package check. You may use 
set.seed() as a first aid and then try to stabilize your algorithms.

BTW: untb_1.3-2.tar.gz passed the check just now on my system: R 2.7.0 
Under development (unstable), svn rev 43092 (5. Oct), i386-pc-mingw32

Thomas P.

Thomas Petzoldt
Technische Universitaet Dresden
Institut fuer Hydrobiologie        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
01062 Dresden            

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