On Mon, 18 Feb 2008, Martin Maechler wrote:

"MS" == Markus Schmidberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 15:47:16 +0100 writes:

   MS> Hello, I built a package, everything was working very
   MS> well. Now I included a NAMESPACE to export only some
   MS> variables. (export(f, g, ...) ) Everything is working
   MS> fine, except one function. There I get an error:

   MS> Fehler in UseMethod("open") : keine anwendbare Methode
   MS> für "open"

   MS> In this function I use the function "open" to generate
   MS> an output bar.

   MS> * if (verbose) { pbt <- new("ProgressBarText",
   MS> length(ids), barsteps = as.integer(20)) open(pbt) }

   MS>     for (i in seq(along=ids)) {

   MS>       if (verbose) { update(pbt) }

   MS> How I have to change my NAMESPACE file to fix this
   MS> problem?

You also have to export the *methods* for the open() generic:


He doesn't say he created any. I think more likely he did not import the S4 generics & methods from the BioC package 'affy'. Since open() is in the base namespace, it will be found instead of any such-named function in another package unless imported.

But really we need a lot more information: package 'affy' is not even mentioned, if it is indeed the source of class "ProgressBarText". As so often, the output of sessionInfo() (as mentioned in the posting guide) is the 'at a minimum' information needed.

   MS> Thanks Markus Schmidberger

you're welcome,
Martin Mächler

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