
I am writing a replacement method for an S4 class and want to pass
an additional argument to  "[<-"() along the lines of  "["()'s  "drop"  

Specifically, I have an S4  class, call it "foo", with a slot  'x'  
that is a
vector and a slot  'NC' that  is a scalar.

I want to be able to pass a Boolean argument to the replacement
method which specifies whether or not to recalculate  NC (which
is time-consuming and often not needed).  I want the default behaviour
to be "don't recalculate NC".

Toy example follows, in which 'NC' is the sum of x (in my application,
calculating NC is an expensive multidimensional integral).

          representation = representation(x="numeric" , NC="numeric"),
          prototype      = list(x=double() , NC=NA_real_)

                    jj <- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    jj[i] <- value
                      return(new("foo" , x=jj , NC=sum(jj)))
                    } else {
                      return(new("foo" , x=jj , NC=NA_real_))


 > a <- new("foo", x=1:10,NC=45)

 > a[4,recalculate=FALSE] <- 10000
 > a
An object of class “foo”
Slot "x":
  [1]     1     2     3 10000     5     6     7     8     9    10

Slot "NC":
[1] NA

#  Desired behaviour: NC not recalculated

 > a[4,recalculate=TRUE] <- 10000
 > a
An object of class “foo”
Slot "x":
  [1]     1     2     3 10000     5     6     7     8     9    10

Slot "NC":
[1] 10051

# Desired behaviour: NC recalculated

 > a[4] <- 10000
Error in .local(x, i, j, ..., value) :
   argument "value" is missing, with no default

# Undesired behaviour:  I wanted 'recalculate' to take its default  
value of FALSE, and 'NC' not be recalculated.

How to do this?

Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst and Neutral Theorist,
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
  tel  023-8059-7743

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