I updated one of by Windows' boxes to GTK 2.12.9, and replaced the libcairo-2.dll in the Cairo binary distribution by that from GTK 2.12.9.
At that point Cairo and EBImage worked together, in either order.

I think Uwe may need to trigger a rebuild of his Cairo binary to pick up Simon's updated libcairo-2.dll -- the existing binary is not compatible with GTK 2.12.9.

On Tue, 22 Jul 2008, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008, Simon Urbanek wrote:


thanks for the analysis.

On Jul 21, 2008, at 6:29 , Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008, Sklyar, Oleg (London) wrote:

EBImage is dynamically linked against GTK, which includes cairo
libraries, so those are installed along with GTK. Cairo seems to be
statically linking to libcairo.dll.a. I would assume that if it is

That is an import library, so it is actually linked to libcairo-2.dll, which it ships.

linked statically it should not get confused with a shared library
present elsewhere in the path, but it looks like it does. I have no
solution for that because unlike Cairo I cannot not statically link
EBImage to GTK as it is not one library that I need, but a bunch of

On Linux you won't get this problem as it uses the same centrally
installed Cairo library.

In a way it would be better, if Cairo relied on the gladewin32.sf.net
which normally provides GTK (and thus cairo libraries) for Windows and
linked dynamically, but probably to simplify user installations the
developers wanted to avoid this.

It _is_ using dynamic loading, or there would be no conflict. From the names, it looks very like that it is using a DLL from gladewin32.

The real issue looks rather like a versioning problem, that the cairo libraries installed as part of GTK and used by EBImage are way too old (cairo_pdf_surface_create was added at cairo 1.2, and cairo is at 1.6.4). So updating to the current GTK distribution may be all that is needed (and Henrik could also try replacing your GTK's libcairo-2.dll by that distributed with Cairo).

For compatibility sake I have updated the libcairo binary to 1.6.4 (based on GTK+ build), so if EBImage gets updated all should be well.

EBImage relies on a user installation of GTK (AFAICS). Last night I updated my GTK to 2.12.9 and used that's libcairo-2.dll in Cairo. It all seemed to work.

There is not much I can do now about this, but I will follow the thread
if anybody comes up with an idea to change the code if possible

The Cairo package (which ships DLLs) could rename them, as R itself does where it builds its own versions. Or it could link statically (if that works, which it does not for e.g. package XML).

I'd rather not maintain my own build of libcairo for Windows since I don't use it. I may consider renaming the DLL, but given that I'm not building it from sources I'm not sure whether there is a trivial way to do that.

If you are not building it yourself, then the only way is to use an editor on the DLL to change the embedded name. I wouldn't suggest you do that (I had thought you were building it yourself).


I don't really understand why this was posted to R-devel: it is not an R issue.

Dr Oleg Sklyar
Technology Group
Man Investments Ltd
+44 (0)20 7144 3803

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Henrik Bengtsson
Sent: 19 July 2008 19:26
To: R-devel
Subject: [Rd] Clash between 'Cairo' and 'EBImage' packages on Windows


on Windows XP Pro with R version 2.7.1 Patched (2008-06-27
r46012) the 'Cairo' and the 'EBImage' packages does not play
well together.

Loading EBImage before Cairo cause the following to happen:

# Rterm --vanilla
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
unable to load shared library
LoadLibrary failure:  The specified procedure could not be found.

Error : .onLoad failed in 'loadNamespace' for 'Cairo'
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'Cairo'

with a dialog titled 'Rterm.exe - Entry Point Not Found'
saying 'The procedure entry point cairo_pdf_surface_create
could not be located in the dynamic link library libcairo-2.dll'.

Loading the packages in the reverse order works, but the
Rterm seems unstable, e.g. calling q() immediately after will
exit the R session without questions:

# Rterm --vanilla
[Immediately back to the command line].

I cannot reproduce the problem on R v2.7.1 on Ubuntu Hardy.

R version 2.7.1 Patched (2008-06-27 r46012)

LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
States.1252;LC_MON ETARY=English_United
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] EBImage_2.4.0 Cairo_1.4-2



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Brian D. Ripley,                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
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Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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