>>>>> On Wed, 6 Aug 2008 10:25:38 -0500 (CDT),
>>>>> Terry Therneau (TT) wrote:

  > "ESS supported noweb before Sweave existed."
  >    That is the bit I didn't know.  What I was rather looking for was a 
  > mode that knows about S formatting, and here it was available all along.  
  > used a version of ESS for a loooong time - probably should re-read the 
  > documentation one of these days to catch up on all the new
  >    features!

  >    "and the latex
  > syntax was added lateron because some people write whole packages using
  > noweb and would have had a syntax conflict in their vignettes"

  >   I'm not quite sure what this means.  
Well, you can write your Sweave files also looking like


This is some latex documentation bla bla bla

And here comes a code chuck:


and here we go again with latex


and Sweave will process it correctly (if the file has extension
.Rtex). As Sweave does not use noweb's magic <<>>= tags in this case,
you can use those for regular noweb processing. Of course you loose
the nice handling of code chunks by ESS in that case ...


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