I hesitate to spend R-core's time with such a small request, but here goes.

On the Manuals page of CRAN one can download the primary R documentation in PDF format. All of the files but one have names beginning with "R-". The exception is the R Reference Index (fullrefman.pdf). This means that after downloading, all of the files but one appear together in a directory listing. It would be convenient if *all* of them appeared together.

Hence, I'm requesting that R-core consider changing the name "fullrefman.pdf" to "R-fullrefman.pdf".

In the interest of saving time, I don't need an email response to this request. The decision will become apparent next time I download the documentation, which I do after every update to R.

Thank you,
Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA

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