On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 3:23 PM, John Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear list members,
> I've run into a problem with R CMD INSTALL under Windows Vista and R 2.8.0:
> --------- snip -----------
> C:\Users\John Fox\workspace>c:\R\R-2.8.0\bin\R CMD INSTALL car
> installing to ''

Not sure if this is relevant for you, but I was seeing similar
behavior on Linux, and the reason turned out to be that the INSTALL
script invokes

R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL R --no-restore --slave

which ran code in my .Rprofile, but without the usual packages
attached. In my case, this was causing an error (because of not
carefully written code in the profile) leading to an empty string for
$lib (which seems to be happening for you too).


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