Full_Name: Yan Wong
Version: 2.8.0
OS: Mac OS X 10.4
Submission from: (NULL) (

When plotting multiple time series in a single plot, via
plot.ts(plot.type="multiple"), the cex.lab, col.lab, and font.lab arguments are

> plot(ts(data.frame(a=1:10, b=1:10)), plot.type="single", cex.lab=0.5,
col.lab="red")  #tiny red axis labels
> plot(ts(data.frame(a=1:10, b=1:10)), plot.type="multiple", cex.lab=0.5,
col.lab="red") #should have tiny red axis labels, but does not.

I think this a problem with lines 54-57 of plot.ts. In particular, the mtext
functions should also be called with 'cex=cex.lab, col=col.lab, font=font.lab',
and the argument list of the plotts function should also contain
'cex.lab=par("cex.lab"), col.lab=par("col.lab"), font.lab=par("font.lab")'

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