Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>> - this still does not allow one to use the names directly, only as
>> L$first etc., with the syntactic and semantic (longer lookup times) penalty;
> That's how it should be done. Using the auto split you get many
> variables which is not desirable.  it encourages bad programming.

please provide a reference for this claim.  for both the 'should' and
the 'bad'.

>> - using structure you add yet another source of performance penalty; a
>> quick naive benchmark hints that it doubles the time elapsed if the
>> returned list is inaccessible otherwise, and adds one order of magnitude
>> if the list has to be copied:
> There is no difference between structure and assignment. They are both
> operations.  If there is a timing difference that is a different question.

as far as i get the r semantics, applying structure modifies the object,
and causes the content to be copied if the object is referred to from
elsewhere.  here's where structure does add a considerable performance

>>> or one could define a function to do that without having
>>> to modify the language.   Given the relative infrequency
>>> of this it hardly seems to merit a language feature.
>> infrequency of what?  of people's inventing ugly hacks to get arround
>> the inability to capture multiple return values directly?  sure, this is
>> a good argument against having someone do the job, but is it a good
>> argument against having the feature in the language?
> I have never had to use it even though I had it available for years.
> I do lots of R code so I think it speaks for itself.

it speaks for yourself.  it tells nothing about what others would like. 
it's quite possible that few would like it, but it does not follow from
that you wouldn't.


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