It has only been fixed partly:

'Contains' fields with more than about 72 characters are 'corrupted' when
the DESCRIPTION file is 'reformated' in the process from 'incomming' to
'' - or R (2.9.0) cannot handle
'contains' fields with more than one line.

The bundle 'CoCo version' I submitted april 3th now checks OK by R
version 2.9.0 RC:

But a check on file 'CoCo_0.1.7.5.tar.gz' from is not OK:

The difference is that the DESCRIPTION file of the bundle is 'reformated'
by CRAN, dividing the 'Contains' filed onto two lines.


Jens Henrik

'diff' of DESCRIPTION files:
< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
$ diff -b CoCo/DESCRIPTION ../../2009.04.03/mnt/CoCo/DESCRIPTION
< Contains: CoCoObjects CoCoCore CoCoRaw CoCoOldData CoCoGraph CoCo
<         CoCoCg
> Contains: CoCoObjects CoCoCore CoCoRaw CoCoOldData CoCoGraph CoCo CoCoCg
< BundleDescription: Interface to CoCo from R - Graphical modelling by
<         CoCo. The package CoCo handles discrete data by log-linear
<         models and contingency tables. CoCoCg is for both discrete and
<         continuous data by CG-regressions. CoCoCore and CoCoRaw contain
<         respectively the one entry point interface function to CoCo end
<         the interface functions for the commands of CoCo. CoCoObjects
<         and CoCoGraph are base and extension with objects and graphs.
> BundleDescription: Interface to CoCo from R - Graphical modelling by CoCo.
>       The package CoCo handles discrete data by log-linear models and
contingency tables.
>       CoCoCg is for both discrete and continuous data by CG-regressions.
>       CoCoCore and CoCoRaw contain respectively the one entry point
interface function
>       to CoCo end the interface functions for the commands of CoCo.
>       CoCoObjects and CoCoGraph are base and extension with objects and
< Copyright: Copyright (C) by Jens Henrik Badsberg, 1991-2009, non-profit
<         use and redistribution permitted (Artistic License 2.0)
> Copyright: Copyright (C) by Jens Henrik Badsberg, 1991-2009,
>       non-profit use and redistribution permitted (Artistic License 2.0)
< Repository: CRAN
< Date/Publication: 2009-04-04 20:41:49
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

Submitted DESCRIPTION file of the CoCo-bundle:
< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bundle: CoCo
Contains: CoCoObjects CoCoCore CoCoRaw CoCoOldData CoCoGraph CoCo CoCoCg
Date: 03.04.2009
Author: Jens Henrik Badsberg <>
Maintainer: Jens Henrik Badsberg <>
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), dynamicGraph (>= 0.2.0), MASS, methods
BundleDescription: Interface to CoCo from R - Graphical modelling by CoCo.
        The package CoCo handles discrete data by log-linear models and
contingency tables.
        CoCoCg is for both discrete and continuous data by CG-regressions.
        CoCoCore and CoCoRaw contain respectively the one entry point interface
        to CoCo end the interface functions for the commands of CoCo.
        CoCoObjects and CoCoGraph are base and extension with objects and 
License: file LICENSE
Copyright: Copyright (C) by Jens Henrik Badsberg, 1991-2009,
        non-profit use and redistribution permitted (Artistic License 2.0)
Address: Andreas Bjorns Gade 21, 2. tv, 1428 Kobenhavn K, Denmark
Packaged: Fri Apr  3 23:41:15 2009; CoCo
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

DESCRIPTION file of the CoCo-bundle on CRAN:
< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bundle: CoCo
Contains: CoCoObjects CoCoCore CoCoRaw CoCoOldData CoCoGraph CoCo
Date: 03.04.2009
Author: Jens Henrik Badsberg <>
Maintainer: Jens Henrik Badsberg <>
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), dynamicGraph (>= 0.2.0), MASS, methods
BundleDescription: Interface to CoCo from R - Graphical modelling by
        CoCo. The package CoCo handles discrete data by log-linear
        models and contingency tables. CoCoCg is for both discrete and
        continuous data by CG-regressions. CoCoCore and CoCoRaw contain
        respectively the one entry point interface function to CoCo end
        the interface functions for the commands of CoCo. CoCoObjects
        and CoCoGraph are base and extension with objects and graphs.
License: file LICENSE
Copyright: Copyright (C) by Jens Henrik Badsberg, 1991-2009, non-profit
        use and redistribution permitted (Artistic License 2.0)
Address: Andreas Bjorns Gade 21, 2. tv, 1428 Kobenhavn K, Denmark
Packaged: Fri Apr 3 23:41:15 2009; CoCo
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-04-04 20:41:49
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

> wrote:
>> 'R CMD build --binary BUNDLE' and Windows.
>> When using R version 2.9.0 beta for 'R CMD build --binary CoCo' on
>> Windows
>> only the first package of the 'Contains' field of the bundle DESCRIPTION
>> file ends up in the zip file.
>> (Same result for the bundle 'VR' by R version 2.9.0 beta.)
>> The check of the CoCo bundle version by R version 2.9.0 beta is
>> OK
>> (on my machine), see attached 00check.log.
>> The zip-file is OK by versions 2.6.0, 2.6.2, 2.7.2, and 2.8.0 of R.
> Brian fixed this, please check the current version (r48312).
> --
>     O__  ---- Peter Dalgaard             Ă˜ster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
>    c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics     PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
>   (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark      Ph:  (+45) 35327918
> ~~~~~~~~~~ - (              FAX: (+45) 35327907

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