On Sat, May 09, 2009 at 10:55:17PM +0200, Martin Maechler wrote:
> If'd revert to such a solution,
> we'd have to get back to Peter's point about the issue that
> he'd think  table(.) should be more tolerant than as.character()
> about "almost equality".
> For compatibility reasons, we could also return back to the
> reasoning that useR should use {something like}
>     table(signif(x, 14)) 
> instead of
>     table(x) 
> for numeric x in "typical" cases.

In the released versions 2.8.1 and 2.9.0, function factor() satisfies
  identical(as.character(factor(x)), as.character(x))    (*)
for all numeric x. This follows from the code (levels are computed by
as.character() from unmodified input values) and may be verified
even for the problematic cases, for example
  x <- (0.3 + 2e-16 * c(-2,-1,1,2))
  # [1] 0.300000000000000 0.3               0.3               0.300000000000000
  # Levels: 0.300000000000000 0.3 0.3 0.300000000000000
  # [1] "0.300000000000000" "0.3"               "0.3"              
  # [4] "0.300000000000000"
  identical(as.character(factor(x)), as.character(x))
  # [1] TRUE

In my opinion, it is reasonable to require that (*) be preserved also in future
versions of R.

Function as.character(x) has disadvantages. Besides of the platform dependence,
it also does not always perform rounding needed to eliminate FP errors. Usually,
as.character(x) rounds to at most 15 digits, so, we get, for example
  as.character(0.1 + 0.2) # [1] "0.3"
as required. However, there are also exceptions, for example
  as.character(1e19 + 1e5) # [1] "10000000000000100352"

Here, the number is printed exactly, so the resulting string contains the FP 
caused by the fact that 1e19 + 1e5 has more than 53 significant digits in binary
representation, namely 59.

  binary representation of 1e19 + 1e5 is

  binary representation of 10000000000000100352 is

However, as.character(x) seems to do enough rounding for most purposes, 
it would not be suitable as the basic numeric to character conversion. If 
table() needs
factor() with a different conversion than as.character(x), it may be done 
as discussed by Martin above.

So, i suggest to use as.character() as the default conversion in factor(), so 
  identical(as.character(factor(x)), as.character(x))
is satisfied for the default usage of factor().

Of course, i appreciate, if factor() has parameters, which allow better control
of the underlying conversion, as it is done in the current development versions.


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