spencerg wrote:
Hello All:

What do you think of adding a function "RSiteSeach" to the package of that name, masking the "RSiteSearch" function in "utils", trapping any call RSiteSearch('searchstring', 'function') to the current RSiteSearch.function and passing all others to "utils:::RSiteSearch"? This was suggested by a referee to a manuscript on this new capability submitted to "R Journal". The current version of this manuscript is available via "system.file('doc', 'RSiteSearch.pdf', package='RSiteSearch')" if you have the "RSiteSearch" package installed.
I suppose this depends on your long term plans for the function and package. If you think it should eventually replace the utils function, then it makes sense to use the same name: users won't get used to a new name in the meantime. But if you think it will diverge from that function, then you might as well pick a separate name now.

I disagree with Gabor about this being heavy handed, at least while it is the only significant export in the package. If people don't want it, don't attach the package.

Duncan Murdoch

      Best Wishes,

Liaw, Andy wrote:
 I agree!  Recall, though, I had added the RSiteSearch() functionality
to the Rgui under Windows (Help / search.r-project.org...), so if
RSiteSearch() is taken out, this need to go, too.


From: Jonathan Baron
There is something to be said for taking all of these functions,
including the original RSiteSearch, out of utils and putting them in
the new RSiteSearch package.  These are the sorts of things that will
get revised frequently, and this way (I think) we won't have to bother
whoever takes care of utils, which is part of the regular R

I'm adding Spencer Graves to the cc list.  Maybe he is interested in
doing this.


On 05/07/09 20:54, Romain Francois wrote:
We could have a few functions similar to RSiteSearch or
gmaneSearch I
just posted and then cook a summary html page with R ...

Here is a function that grabs relevant groups from gmane:

gmaneGroups <- function( prefix = "gmane.comp.lang.r." ){
url <- URLencode( sprintf( "http://dir.gmane.org/index.php?prefix=%s";, prefix) ) txt <- grep( '^<tr.*<td align=right.*<a', readLines(
url ), value =
rx <- '^.*?<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>.*<td>(.*?)</td>.*$'
    out <- data.frame(
        url = gsub( rx, "\\1", txt ),
        group = gsub( rx, "\\2", txt ),
        description = gsub( rx, "\\3", txt ),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    out$group <- sub( "...", ".*", out$group, fixed = TRUE )

I'll clean this up and write a man page if there is
interest in adding
this to R, but this might be more appropriate in a package,
for example:


Liaw, Andy wrote:
From: Jonathan Baron
On 05/07/09 13:48, Liaw, Andy wrote:
From: Duncan Murdoch
I'll incorporate the changes if you like
Yes. Please do. I understand that it won't take effect
for a while.
When it does, I'll change my site.

What do you think
of the idea of adding a gmane (or other archive) search to your results page? Then if someone doesn't like what the man pages show, you can
send them
somewhere else, rather than leaving them to find out the other resources themselves.

gmane has sample code for this on their search page search.gmane.org, so it looks reasonably easy. I'd suggest following their
last example,
with a drop-down box to select mailing lists, with comp.lang.r.* as an option for "all lists".

Duncan Murdoch
Good idea. I will do this. But there are also two
other good search
engines. Maybe I'll add all three search alternatives.
But then,
according to Sheena Iyengar, people won't choose any!  Hmm.

Actually, I was thinking about a possible RHelpSearch() in
addition, if
Jon is no longer going to include the R-help archive in the
search.  I
used the current RSiteSearch() a lot more for searching
R-help archive
than functions in packages.  Ideas?  comments?
This is OK with me, but I don't want to do it.  I guess it would
search gmane.  MarkMail is also pretty good, as is
http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/ All these are much better than
Namazu for searching the R-help list.
Sorry I didn't make it clear: I meant something like the
that Romain posted, not hitting your site.

Romain Francois
Independent R Consultant
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30

Jonathan Baron, Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
Home page: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~baron
Editor: Judgment and Decision Making (http://journal.sjdm.org)

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