>>>>> Henrik Bengtsson writes:

> On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 11:49 PM, Kurt Hornik<kurt.hor...@wu.ac.at> wrote:
>>>>>>> Henrik Bengtsson writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> how is the CRAN build/check system dealing with dependencies on
>>> non-CRAN packages?  Are there external repositories that are dealt
>>> with in special ways, e.g. Bioconductor and Omegahat?  Is this
>>> documented somewhere?
>>> The most recent note on this that I could locate is "[Rd] CRAN,
>>> Bioconductor and ctv package dependency questions", Kurt Hornik, Sept
>>> 8, 2005;
>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2005-September/034547.html.
>>> Does the comments in that thread still reflect how CRAN works?
>> Not quite.  No more special casing of BioC or Ohat dependencies: they
>> simply "work", and packages with such dependencies can fully be checked.

> Hmm... so you're saying R CMD check pass ("work") although a package
> is missing?

Are you asking what happens if a CRAN package depends on a BioC package
which is missing from BioC?

You can safely assume the availability of BioC and Ohat packages
(provided we can install these).  We do not accept packages with
unconditional (depends/imports) dependencies on package not in the
standard repositories, but do not force the availability of suggested
packages: so you can suggest an external package (but R CMD check should
still pass if the package is not available).


> If so, what about example/test code where that external package is
> loaded?  ...or even harder, where a function of that external package
> is called, e.g.

> require("externalPkg") || stop(...);
> res <- externalPkg::specialFcn(...);
> stopifnot(identical(res,42));
> ...

> This is not a constructed example; I do have some example():s].

> Thxs

> Henik

>> -k
>>> Thanks
>>> Henrik
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