>>>>> "SL" == Sylvain Loiseau <slois...@ens-lsh.fr>
>>>>>     on Thu, 27 Aug 2009 18:06:50 +0200 writes:

    SL> Hello,
    >> I think it would still be most efficient,
    >> if you  do  'R CMD build <yourpackage>'
    >> and make the   <yourpackage>.tar.gz  file available.
    >> Ideally for every reader of this list, from a "public" URL;
    >> alternatively, send it per e-mail as attachment;
    >> if you use correct MIME type, i.e., one of

    SL> Ok, here is the minimal package producing the error :

    SL> http://panini.u-paris10.fr/~sloiseau/test_1.0.tar.gz

    SL> I have :

    SL> library(test)
    >> getAdjacentAsSparseMatrix()
    SL> [1] "dgCMatrix"
    SL> attr(,"package")
    SL> [1] "Matrix"
    SL> Erreur dans y[1L + 0L:(m - 1L) * (n + 1L)] <- x :
    SL> types (de S4 a double) incompatibles dans l'ajustement d'affectation de
    SL> type

Yes, Sylvain, you were right (in the other thread
       "R CMD check does not recognize S4 functions ...")
that your problem is very similar to Giles Hooker's one.

You both need to learn more about namespaces.

As help for you (and other readers),
I append a "fixed up" version (1.0-1) of your test package.

I hope this helps,
Martin Maechler

Attachment: test_1.0-1.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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