
On Sep 11, 2009, at 9:07 , Prof. John C Nash wrote:

The responses to my posting yesterday seem to indicate more consensus than I expected:
1) CRAN should be restricted to GPL-equivalent licensed packages

I would definitely vote against that - I think this is not what the most people here agreed with (and the subject [non-GPL] and your wording [non-redistributable code] are two entirely different things). GPL is more restrictive than most open source licenses so with the above you'd throw out a lot of "real" open source packages (namely those with more permissive open source licenses). The point was open distribution as Peter pointed out so GPL-compatible licenses would be one possibility (although it also disallows some open source licenses).


2) r-forge could be left "buyer beware" using DESCRIPTION information
3) We may want a specific repository for restricted packages (RANC?)

How to proceed? A short search on Rseek did not turn up a chain of command for CRAN.

I'm prepared to help out with documentation etc. to move changes forward. They are not, in my opinion, likely to cause a lot of trouble for most users, and should simplify things over time.


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