Martin Morgan wrote: wrote:
So packages like beadarray and arrayQualityMetrics
cannot be installed.

The sma author no longer wishes to maintain this package. The packges
beadarray and arrayQualityMetrics are Bioconductor packages that depend
on sma indirectly through other packages. The other packages are being
revised to no longer depend on sma, but this has not yet been completed.
The workaround is to manually install sma from its archive: download

and install.packages("sma_0.5.15.tar.gz", repos=NULL).

beadarray and arrayQualityMetrics are Bioconductor packages, so please
follow up on the Bioconductor mailing list

This message is mainly for Zong-pei:

I don't know the circumstances or license for sma, but one of the advantages of open source is that someone else could take over maintenance of sma if it is open source and the original author is no longer interested. You should think about doing it, or recruiting someone with the necessary skills if you don't have them.

Duncan Murdoch


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