There are many arguments in many functions that are rarely used. I prefer to see it all documented in the help pages. If they are not documented in the help pages (and sometimes even if they are), a user who wants them can invent other ways to get similar information with much greater effort, and do so for years only to eventually find a much easier way buried in the documentation. Example: I was frustrated for years that "nls" would refuse to produce output if it did not converge. I often used "optim" instead of "nls" for that reason. However, the list returned by "optim" does not have the nice methods that one can use with an "nls" object. Eventually, I found the "warnOnly" option documented under "nls.control", which has made "nls" easier for me to use.
Spencer Graves

William Dunlap wrote:
There are several help files in the R sources that
describe concepts and not particular R objects.
E.g., help(Methods), help(Syntax), and help(regex).
They don't have a docType  entry and their alias
entries do not refer to functions.  Perhaps your
debugging documentation could go into a similar
*.Rd file.

Does check balk at such help files in a package? Should it?
Should there be a special docType for such help files?

Bill Dunlap
Spotfire, TIBCO Software
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Charles Geyer
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 10:51 AM
Subject: [Rd] how to document stuff most users don't want to see

The functions metrop and temper in the mcmc package have a debug = FALSE argument that when TRUE adds a lot of debugging information to the returned
list.  This is absolutely necessary to test the functions, because one
generally knows nothing about the simulated distribution except what what one learns from MCMC samples. Hence you must expose all details of the simulation to have any hope of checking that it is doing what it is supposed to do. However, this information is of interested mostly (perhaps solely) to developers. So I didn't document it in the Rd files for these functions.

But it has ocurred to me that people might be interested in how these functions are validated, and I would like to document the debug output somewhere, but I don't want to clutter up the documentation that ordinary users see. That suggests a separate help page for debugging. Looking at "Writing R Extensions" it doesn't seem like there is a type of Rd file for this purpose. I suppose it could be added in (fairly long) sections titled "Debug Output" in metrop.Rd and temper.Rd or it could be put in a package help page (although that's not what that kind of page is really for). Any other possibilities to consider?
Charles Geyer
Professor, School of Statistics
University of Minnesota

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