On 10/10/2009 2:25 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 10/10/2009 8:07 AM, Mathieu Ribatet wrote:
Dear list,

I got an automatic email complaining than some of my packages didn't
pass 'R CMD check' for R-2.10.0 alpha anymore. Both of them make use of
the "cases" LaTeX environment.

Inspecting the log outputs I got:

        LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.
        This typically indicates Rd problems.
        LaTeX errors found:
        ! Misplaced alignment tab character &.

I noticed that the Rd parser changed quite recently and that '#', '_'
and '&' must not be escaped according to "Writing R extensions".
However, the problematic .Rd portion seems (to me) OK

        \deqn{\theta(h) =
            u_\beta \left(\mu +  \frac{\nu(h)}{\Gamma(1 - \xi)}
        \right),&\xi \neq 0\\
            \exp\left(\frac{\nu(h)}{\sigma}\right),&\xi = 0
          }{u_beta (mu + nu(h) / Gamma(1 - \xi)), if \xi < 1,
            exp(nu(h)/sigma), otherwise}

One more followup: the problem appears to be in the "cases" environment. If I rewrite that block using "array" instead, things are fine:

         \deqn{\theta(h) =
             u_\beta \left(\mu +  \frac{\nu(h)}{\Gamma(1 - \xi)}
         \right),&\xi \neq 0\\
             \exp\left(\frac{\nu(h)}{\sigma}\right),&\xi = 0
           }{u_beta (mu + nu(h) / Gamma(1 - \xi)), if \xi < 1,
             exp(nu(h)/sigma), otherwise}

This makes me think it's a bug in the LaTeX package that provides "cases", or a conflict with our Rd.sty file, but I don't know which.

And the final answer: the "cases" environment is in the amsmath package, which is not used by R. You need to use regular LaTeX, not fancy stuff like that. (There's a \cases macro in LaTex, which doesn't know what to do with alignment tabs: that's why you got the error you did.)

Duncan Murdoch

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