If of any help, I got a related error message in my browser (Firefox),
from doing this:

1. In .Rprofile I set options(help.ports=6850)

2. I have one "R HELP" session running where I do help.start() so that
I always have one session providing the help pages.  This is to avoid
having to redo help.start() if I restart R etc, which tend to do alot
when I do package development.

3. While installing a package that I develop, I did reload (Ctrl-R)
multiple times on a HTML help page during the process.  This caused
the following message to be display in the browswer:

  Error in tools:::fetchRdDB(RdDB, helpdoc) :
    cannot allocate memory block of size 2.3 Gb

This message remains the same if I do reload.

4. After restarting the "R HELP" session above, the above page is
displayed properly.

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.10.0 Patched (2009-10-26 r50212)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.10.0


On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Duncan Murdoch <murd...@stats.uwo.ca> wrote:
> On 01/11/2009 3:12 PM, mark.braving...@csiro.au wrote:
>>> Okay, then we both agree we should drop it.
>>> Duncan Murdoch
>> No we don't. I can't provide a functioning mvbutils, or debug, until this
>> is resolved.
>> I am trying to be a good citizen and prepare reproducible bug reports--
>> e.g. the 3 line example. It would be quicker for me to write some ugly hack
>> that modifies base R and gets round the problem *for me*, but that doesn't
>> seem the best outcome for R. A culture which discourages careful bug
>> reporting is unhealthy culture.
> Sorry.  What I thought you said was that you had spent several hours on it
> and didn't want to spend more time on it.  I've told you I don't want to
> work on it either.
> If there is no way to trigger this bug without using internals, then it has
> not been demonstrated to be a bug in R.  It might be one, or it might be a
> bug in your code.  Often I'll work on things that are demonstrated bugs, but
> I won't commit several hours to debugging your code.
> Duncan Murdoch
>> Mark Bravington
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Duncan Murdoch [murd...@stats.uwo.ca]
>> Sent: 02 November 2009 01:08
>> To: Bravington, Mark (CMIS, Hobart)
>> Cc: r-devel@r-project.org
>> Subject: Re: [Rd] parse_Rd and/or lazyload problem
>> On 31/10/2009 10:18 PM, mark.braving...@csiro.au wrote:
>>>> Does this happen in R-patched?  I've seen similar errors in 2.10.0, but
>>>> not in a current build.
>>> Yes, still there in R-patched.
>>> (Still haven't got to your code, this was in
>>>> mine.  I'm reluctant to spend time on code that is messing with
>>>> internals, because you might be using things in a way not intended by
>>>> the author.  Now, if you can show me some code that demonstrates the
>>>> problem without using internals directly, I'll follow up.)
>>> I did try, but it's not completely possible, because 'makeLazyLoadDB' is
>>> internal and there is no public alternative (a pity-- it's useful). However,
>>> the problem(s) can be demonstrated without directly calling 'parse_Rd', and
>>> with 'lazyLoad' (public) instead of 'fetchRdDB' (private), as per "pointer
>>> 1" below. If you have a look at 'tools:::.install_package_Rd_objects',
>>> you'll see that my use of 'makeLazyLoadDB' is quite standard.
>>> The problem is not easy to reproduce. It took 4-5 hours work to get the
>>> 3-line reproducible example that I posted, plus another couple since, so I'm
>>> also reluctant to spend more time...
>> Okay, then we both agree we should drop it.
>> Duncan Murdoch
>>> The examples in my previous post still apply-- the first one involves
>>> just 3 statements-- but here are some more pointers I've unearthed since:
>>> 1. Sometimes 'fetchRdDB' or 'lazyLoad' called directly from the prompt
>>> doesn't work, but public 'Rd_db' (which directly calls 'fetchRdDB') does.
>>> I've experimented with copying the installed 'tools' package into a new
>>> library "d:/temp/fakelib", then stuff like this:
>>> test> e <- new.env()
>>> test> lazyLoad( 'd:/temp/fakelib/tools/help/tools', e) # original files
>>> tools.rdx, tools.rdb
>>> test> e <- as.list( e) # force evaluation
>>> test> tools:::makeLazyLoadDB( e, 'd:/temp/fakelib/tools/help/tools') #
>>> modify tools.rd*
>>> test> e1 <- new.env()
>>> test> lazyLoad( 'd:/temp/fakelib/tools/help/tools', e1)
>>> test> as.list( e1) # try to force evaluation...
>>> Error in as.list.environment(e1) :
>>>  cannot allocate memory block of size 2.7 Gb
>>> test>
>>> test> Rd_db( 'tools', 'd:/temp/fakelib') # no probs !?
>>> 2. Sometimes 'fetchRdDB' or 'lazyLoad' will fail in one R session, but
>>> will work in a fresh session on exactly the same files. For example, after
>>> restarting R, the previous commands involving 'e1' work fine.
>>> Mark
>>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>>>>> I'm encountering problems when making lazy-loadable databases of the
>>>>>> output from 'parse_Rd'. The lazy-
>>>>>> load database is of seemingly limitless size when I try to reload
>>>>>> it... Admittedly I am using functions
>>>>>> that I'm not really supposed to use, which is why this isn't a bug
>>>>>> report, but there does seem to be
>>>>>> something strange going on; my code is very similar to code that lives
>>>>>> inside
>>>>>> 'tools:::.install_package_Rd_objects'. The problems occur with
>>>>>> just-released R2.10.0 on Windows.
>>>>> object.size() has problems when working on Rd objects, because it
>>>>> counts
>>>>> every environment separately, even though they may all be references to
>>>>> the same one. I haven't looked at your code, but that could be a
>>>>> problem.
>>>> Mark
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: Duncan Murdoch [murd...@stats.uwo.ca]
>>>> Sent: 31 October 2009 08:59
>>>> To: Bravington, Mark (CMIS, Hobart)
>>>> Cc: r-devel@r-project.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [Rd] parse_Rd and/or lazyload problem
>>>> On 30/10/2009 12:50 AM, mark.braving...@csiro.au wrote:
>>>>> I'm encountering problems when making lazy-loadable databases of the
>>>>> output from 'parse_Rd'. The lazy-load database is of seemingly limitless
>>>>> size when I try to reload it... Admittedly I am using functions that I'm 
>>>>> not
>>>>> really supposed to use, which is why this isn't a bug report, but there 
>>>>> does
>>>>> seem to be something strange going on; my code is very similar to code 
>>>>> that
>>>>> lives inside 'tools:::.install_package_Rd_objects'. The problems occur 
>>>>> with
>>>>> just-released R2.10.0 on Windows.
>>>> object.size() has problems when working on Rd objects, because it counts
>>>> every environment separately, even though they may all be references to
>>>> the same one. I haven't looked at your code, but that could be a
>>>> problem.
>>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>>>> The examples below use files which can be found at
>>>>> ftp://ftp.csiro.au/MarkBravington, but you'll obviously need to modify the
>>>>> paths. The file "scrunge.Rd" is just "Rdiff.Rd" from the 'tools' package.
>>>>> The file "fakepack.7z" should unzip to create a fake package with a
>>>>> DESCRIPTION file and a "man" directory that contains two Rd files.
>>>>> Transcript of first example:
>>>>> eglist <- list( scrunge=tools:::prepare_Rd(  'd:/temp/scrunge.Rd',
>>>>>    defines=.Platform$OS.type, stages='install', warningCalls=FALSE))
>>>>> tools:::makeLazyLoadDB( eglist, 'd:/temp/ll', compress=FALSE)
>>>>> tools:::fetchRdDB( 'd:/temp/ll')
>>>>> # Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1.4 Gb
>>>>> The second example triggers an error with
>>>>> 'tools:::.install_package_Rd_objects' itself. It doesn't happen the first
>>>>> time, but frequently does after the Rd files have been changed. 
>>>>> Transcript:
>>>>> # Make sure d:/temp/help/ is empty, then
>>>>> test> tools:::.install_package_Rd_objects( 'd:/temp/fakepack',
>>>>> 'd:/temp')
>>>>> test> tools:::fetchRdDB( 'd:/temp/help/temp')
>>>>> # All good. Next, I *removed* one of the two Rd files in
>>>>> "d:/temp/fakepack/man", ...
>>>>> # ...deleted "d:/temp/help/temp*", and tried again
>>>>> test> tools:::.install_package_Rd_objects( 'd:/temp/fakepack',
>>>>> 'd:/temp')
>>>>> test> tools:::fetchRdDB( 'd:/temp/help/temp')
>>>>> Warning: Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
>>>>> Warning: Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
>>>>> Warning: Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
>>>>> Warning: Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
>>>>> Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1.9 Gb
>>>>> # Or on other occasions I get
>>>>> Error: internal error -3 in R_decompress1
>>>>> Mark Bravington
>>>>> Hobart
>>>>> Australia
>>>>> --please do not edit the information below--
>>>>> Version:
>>>>>  platform = i386-pc-mingw32
>>>>>  arch = i386
>>>>>  os = mingw32
>>>>>  system = i386, mingw32
>>>>>  status =
>>>>>  major = 2
>>>>>  minor = 10.0
>>>>>  year = 2009
>>>>>  month = 10
>>>>>  day = 26
>>>>>  svn rev = 50208
>>>>>  language = R
>>>>>  version.string = R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26)
>>>>> Windows XP (build 2600) Service Pack 2
>>>>> Locale:
>>>>> LC_COLLATE=English_Australia.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_Australia.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_Australia.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_Australia.1252
>>>>> Search Path:
>>>>>  .GlobalEnv, ROOT, package:grDevices, package:ad, package:chstuff,
>>>>> package:handy2, package:tweedie, package:statmod, package:handy,
>>>>> package:debug, package:mvbutils, mvb.session.info, package:tools,
>>>>> package:tcltk, package:stats, package:graphics, package:utils,
>>>>> package:methods, Autoloads, package:base
>>>>> ______________________________________________
>>>>> R-devel@r-project.org mailing list
>>>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-devel
> ______________________________________________
> R-devel@r-project.org mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-devel

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