
Maybe I should give more background about what we are trying to do with
this. We (Dirk, Saptarshi and I) are interfacing R with the protocol
buffer C++ library from google [1,2] .

protocol buffers are google's data interchange format, designed to be
efficient (much more efficient than XML) and language neutral.

Google supports bindings to java, c++ and python, and there are dozens
of third party bindings (perl, C, C#, ...) available. We are doing the
one for R, allowing to create and manipulate protocol buffer messages
from R. For example with this message type :

package tutorial ;
message Person {
  required int32 id = 1;
  required string name = 2;
  optional string email = 3;

you can create a message like this :

message <- new( tutorial.Person, id = 0, name = "Romain", email =
"francoisrom...@free.fr" )

We can also read/write messages from/to files :

tutorial.Person$read( "somefile" )
serialize( message, "somefile" )

Now we'd like to be able to use the extensive IO support R provides
(connections) and essentially read and write messages from and to
arbitrary binary connections. Practically, it means calling this method
of the google::protobuf::Message c++ class [3,4]

bool Message::ParseFromIstream(istream * input)
bool Message::SerializeToOstream( ostream * output) const

This means we need to be able to build istream and ostream pointers
working together with a binary R connection. It seemed to me from
reading the code of serialize.c in R that we would be able to achieve
this by sort of wrapping R_inpstream_st and R_outpstream_st as c++

The only thing I cannot figure out at that point is how to access a
connection pointer (Rconnection). From this :

/* The connection interface is not yet available to packages.  To
   allow limited use of connection pointers this defines the opaque
   pointer type. */
typedef struct Rconn  *Rconnection;
void R_InitConnOutPStream(R_outpstream_t stream, Rconnection con,
                          R_pstream_format_t type, int version,
                          SEXP (*phook)(SEXP, SEXP), SEXP pdata);
void R_InitConnInPStream(R_inpstream_t stream,  Rconnection con,
                         R_pstream_format_t type,
                         SEXP (*phook)(SEXP, SEXP), SEXP pdata);

I get that if I do have a Rconnection, then I can initialize a
R_outpstream_t and just use this, but I can't find a way to get one. The
internal "getConnection" seems to do just this, but it is not accessible
from packages.

We'd appreciate any help.


[1] http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/rprotobuf/
[2] http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/

On 11/07/2009 11:24 AM, Romain Francois wrote:

I'm trying to use the limited connections api defined in
Rinternals.h. I have code that looks like this (inspired from
do_serializeToConn) :

SEXP serialize_to_connection( SEXP xp, SEXP connection ){

Rconnection con ; struct R_outpstream_st out; R_pstream_format_t type
= R_pstream_binary_format ; SEXP (*hook)(SEXP, SEXP) = NULL ; con =
getConnection(Rf_asInteger(connection)); R_InitConnOutPStream(&out,
con, type, 0, hook, R_NilValue );

return R_NilValue ; }

The problem I have is that I cannot actually call getConnection since
it is not part of the api. Is there another way to get the
Rconnection that is associated with a number.

Many thanks.


Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
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