I am sorry to reply. But I need to clarify things.=0A=0AFrom searching over=
 the internet, I know that, before R 2.5.0, in the documentation of 'DateTi=
meClasses', in 'date + x', in the explanation about 'x', there is also ment=
ion that 'x' can be a 'difftime' object. Now, it has been removed.=0A=0AWhy=
 not doing the same in the documentation of 'Ops.Date'? I have read the doc=
umentation carefully. Also, I have just downloaded http://cran.bic.nus.edu.=
sg/src/base-prerelease/R-latest.tar.gz. In the file Ops.Date.Rd, the phrase=
=0A\emph{or} an object of class=0A    \code{"\link{difftime}"}=0Ais still t=
here. This is a snapshot from Ops.Date.Rd.=0A=0A\usage{=0A\special{date + x=
}=0A\special{date - x}=0A\special{date1 lop date2}=0A}=0A\arguments{=0A  \i=
tem{date}{date objects}=0A  \item{date1, date2}{date objects or character v=
ectors.  (Character=0A    vectors are converted by \code{\link{as.Date}}.)}=
=0A  \item{x}{a numeric vector (in days) \emph{or} an object of class=0A   =
 \code{"\link{difftime}"}.}=0A  \item{lop}{One of \code{=3D=3D}, \code{!=3D=
}, \code{<}, \code{<=3D}, \code{>}=0A    or \code{>=3D}.}=0A}=0A=0AThe docu=
mentation says that the usage is=0Adate + x=0ASo,=0Adate + x=0Ashould work.=
=0A=0ASo, in the documentation of 'Ops.Date', in the explanation about argu=
ment 'x', please remove the phrase "or an object of class "difftime".". Tha=
t would be in line with the documentation of 'DateTimeClasses', and at leas=
t saves new users.=0A=0AThank you.=0A=0A=0A      New Email addresses availa=
ble on Yahoo!=0AGet the Email name you&#39;ve always wanted on the new @yma=
il and @rocketmail. =0AHurry before someone else does!=0Ahttp://mail.promot=

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