Thanks a lot, fixed.


>>>>> On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 19:53:31 +0100,
>>>>> Jean lobry (Jl) wrote:

  > Dear R-devel,
  > googling for the single letter R yields R-home page as the firt hit,
  > which is extremly nice.

  > By clicking on the figure you get the code of the "Winner of the R
  > Homepage graphics competition 2004."

  > By copy/pasting in your R console it doesn't work because it is impossible
  > to install the mva package.

  > This is my point.

  > As documented in ONEWS the reason is simple: since R 1.9.0 the package
  > mva as been merged into the package stats.

  > My suggestion is just to change the begining of the code as follows to
  > neutralize the requirement for the mva package:

  > ----
  > ### Code by Eric Lecoutre, Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium
  > ### Winner of the R Homepage graphics competition 2004

  > ### Works in R 1.8.1 ...
  > ### Still works in R 2.10.0 (2009-10-26) by deleting the requirement 
  > for the mva package ...

  > require(ade4)
  > #require(mva) no more needed since R version 1.9.0 as mva was merged 
  > in the standard stats package.
  > require(RColorBrewer)
  > require(pixmap)

  > etc.
  > ----

  > so that reproducibility of the graph is straightforward (at least for 
  > someone who
  > is able to install an R package).

  > This is a minor change. I consider this is important because it may help 
  > wanting to test quickly the long term reproducibility of R results. For them
  > installing a package is not a problem, but do not expect them to have time 
  > dig in old ONEWS....

  > Please take this as a constructive comment, I was amazed how it was easy 
for me
  > to run this "old" R code. Just want to share.

  > Very Best,

  > Jean
  > -- 
  > Jean R. Lobry            (
  > Laboratoire BBE-CNRS-UMR-5558, Univ. C. Bernard - LYON I,
  > 43 Bd 11/11/1918, F-69622 VILLEURBANNE CEDEX, FRANCE
  > allo  : +33 472 43 27 56     fax    : +33 472 43 13 88

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