Duncan Murdoch a écrit :

I believe I should. I'd like the OCaml / R binding to be closely knit to R internals. One reason would be for speed, the other being that I'd like to make use of camlp4 to write syntax extensions to mix OCaml and R syntax. It's therefore important for me not to rely on the R interpreter to be active when building R values. Or when marshaling R values via OCaml. There are numerous other issues aside this one.

You are probably not going to be able to do that. Take your example of the promise below: to evaluate a promise, you need to evaluate the expression attached to it in the R interpreter. (This is discussed in the R Language Definition.)

You can put probably put together simple R objects like integer arrays without having R running, but anything substantial isn't going to be feasible.

Duncan Murdoch

That's precisely the issue. I want to map a functional language to a functional language. And keep the same evaluation semantics. I do not (yet?) see why it should not be feasible.

If this is done properly, OCaml could then compile R code natively. That would be really nice. There would be other advantages in integrating the two languages cleanly.

So, taking the example of promises, I need to map it to its OCaml semantic equivalent, which seems to be a Lazy.t structure. That doesn't seem (yet) unfeasible.

Thank you for your pointer to the R Language Definition. Starting by R Internals was perhaps a bit brutal.

All the best,

     Guillaume Yziquel

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