Thanks for your help - that was the solution (easy enough to remove these two 
characters - they've been in only comments anyway).
Fortunately, the DECRIPTION file accepts umlauts, as in my second name. The 
problem was only in the source file.


Am 26.02.2010 um 18:37 schrieb Duncan Murdoch:

> On 26/02/2010 11:05 AM, Felix Schönbrodt wrote:
>> Hi Duncan,
>> I now declared the endcoding in the DESCRIPTION to UTF-8 (and all files are 
>> encoded in that way, too). As my last name is "Schönbrodt", I'd be happy to 
>> see it that way in the package ;-)
>> However, it still doesn't build on Windows (but works on Mac and Linux). 
>> Unfortunately I cannot build the Windows packages myself (I work on a Mac), 
>> but the win-builder by Uwe Ligges still shows the same error ...
>> > If declaring the encoding in DESCRIPTION doesn't solve the problem, I'd be 
>> > happy to take a look at the package.
>> That's a great offer! I'd be very happy if you could take a look.
>> You can find the source at, a 
>> tar.gz is attached as well.
> I got the same error as you.  It looks as though iconv has trouble with the 
> way some characters are encoded in your file.  For example, on line 893, you 
> have a u-umlaut encoded as EF BF BD.  According the the UTF-8 tables at 
>, that encodes 
> a question mark in a diamond, "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER".  There's no 
> corresponding character in the standard Windows latin1 encoding, so 
> conversion fails.  Firefox can display the funny question mark, but it 
> doesn't display the u-umlaut as you intended, so I think this is an error in 
> your file.
> A way to find all such errors is as follows:  read the file as utf-8, then 
> use the iconv() function in R to convert it to latin1.  When I do that, I get 
> NA on lines 893 and 953, which are displayed to me as
> [1] "\t# im latenten Fall: die Error variance erst am Ende berechnen (d.h., 
> alle error componenten �ber alle Gruppen mitteln, die unter NUll auf Null 
> setzen, dann addieren)"
> [2] "\t\t# TODO: �berpr�fen!"    
> We might be able to make the error message in the package installer more 
> informative (e.g. giving the line number that failed).  I'll look into that.
> Duncan Murdoch

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