On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Henrik Bengtsson <h...@stat.berkeley.edu> 
> Hi,
> I found in a bit of code the following test for infinity:
>  if (x == Inf) ...
> Is that valid, or should it be (as I always thought):
>  if (is.infinite(x)) ...?
> Does it depend on whether 'x' is float or integer?
> My question is related to testing for missing values where is.na(x) is 
> required.

 Well, '-Inf' is infinite too:

 > is.infinite(-Inf)
 [1] TRUE

 but is not equal to Inf:

 > Inf == -Inf
 [1] FALSE

 Also, ?is.infinite says it is a generic method, so is.infinite(x)
could be doing anything, depending on x. I would say the best way of
testing if x is a numeric value of plus infinity would be to test

 Also also, is.infinite (on a numeric vector) returns FALSE on NA, and
NaN, whereas x==Inf returns NA values for non nice-number inputs.


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