John Chambers wrote:
The point I was making was that as() is not just a synonym for selecting a method from coerce() by the usual inheritance rules. I don't believe it should be, and the documentation emphasizes that inheritance is not used in the ordinary way.

I got this. If you look carefully at the change I'm suggesting for
selectMethod(), you will notice that I said that f="coerce" would
then need to become a special case.
In other words, when f="coerce", the usual inheritance rules are replaced by the rules that are currently implemented in as() and
described in its man page.
So to summarize: (1) the code in as() that is currently in charge of
selecting/creating/caching the most adequate coerce method is moved
to selectMethod(), (2) the sections in ?as that describe the rules
of this non-standard inheritance are moved to ?selectMethod.

If one were to start rewriting code (which I'm not suggesting) my preference would be to have coerce() not be a generic function, eliminating the offending selectMethod() calls.

Then how one would know what as() is doing *exactly* i.e. which
coerce method was used or will be used in such or such situation?
showMethods()/selectMethod() are great tools because they allow the
developer to predict things and troubleshoot.

If you don't like putting the non-standard inheritance rules in
selectMethod() (when f="coerce") then you can always add something
like selectAsMethod() and put them here, and also add something
like showAsMethods(). I guess that's more or less what you are
saying when you propose to have coerce() not be a generic function,
at least not an usual one.
But it's important to expose selectAsMethod()/showAsMethods() to
the user. We absolutely need them!

Now I'm not sure I understand your concern about putting this
stuff in the existing selectMethod()/showMethods(). Why not just
ignore the useInheritance= arg when f="coerce"? Again, this would
be a special case anyway (and documented). The advantage of this
solution (over selectAsMethod()/showAsMethods()) is to avoid having
to introduce and expose 2 new names, so the user doesn't have to
switch between select*/show* tools depending on whether f="coerce"
or not.



On 4/1/10 12:31 AM, Hervé Pagès wrote:
Hi John,

John Chambers wrote:
The example is confusing and debatable, but not an obvious bug.  And
your presentation of it is the cause of much of the confusion
(unintentionally I'm sure).

First, slipping from the as() function to methods for the coerce()
function might surprise a less experienced user.  And in fact, that
is the point here.  If you look at the as() function, it jumps
through several hoops and in particular selects a method from coerce
in such a way as NOT to use inheritance on the from= argument.  (I
think this makes sense in this case).  So I would assert that your
selectMethod() output below came from a different session than the
as(1:4, "numeric").

Starting from a clean session with R 2.10.1:

> class(as(1:4,"numeric"))
[1] "integer"
> selectMethod("coerce", c("integer","numeric"))
Method Definition:

function (from, to = "numeric", strict = TRUE)
if (strict) {
    class(from) <- "numeric"
} else from
<environment: namespace:methods>

        from      to
target  "integer" "numeric"
defined "integer" "numeric"

Note, no call to as.numeric().  In a session without a previous call
to as(), your selectMethod() call triggered a standard inherited
method selection.  And if you had then gone on to as(), the result
would have been different.

Yes indeed. From a fresh start:

> invisible(selectMethod("coerce", c("integer","numeric")))
> class(as(1:4, "numeric"))
[1] "numeric"

But without the initial call to selectMethod(), as(1:4, "numeric")
returns an integer vector.

Sorry but it's hard for me to understand the reasons for having
such behaviour, especially when selectMethod() is described as a
function "to *look* for a method corresponding to a given generic
function and signature". Apparently it does more than just looking...

In a different clean session:

> getMethod("coerce", c("integer", "numeric"))
Error in getMethod("coerce", c("integer", "numeric")) :
  No method found for function "coerce" and signature integer, numeric
> selectMethod("coerce", c("integer", "numeric"))
Method Definition:

function (from, to, strict = TRUE)
    value <- as.numeric(from)
    if (strict)
        attributes(value) <- NULL
<environment: namespace:methods>

        from      to
target  "integer" "numeric"
defined "ANY"     "numeric"
> class(as(1:4,"numeric"))
[1] "numeric"

No argument about this being confusing.  Perhaps one should prohibit
standard selectMethod() on coerce() but that seems a bit arcane to
thwart folks like you!

Suggested improvements for the current implementation are welcome, so
long as they consider the best definition of as() in the general sense.

So one problem seems to be that, on a fresh start, *both*
    as(1:4, "numeric")
    selectMethod("coerce", c("integer", "numeric"))
will cache a coerce method for the c("integer", "numeric") signature,
but they don't cache the *same* method!

The automatic method cached by 'as(1:4, "numeric")' seems to be
coming from:


Maybe one way to improve things would be to modify this part of
the class definition for "integer" so it is in sync with

  selectMethod("coerce", c("integer", "numeric")).

There are other situations where the coerce methods are not
in sync:

> getClassDef("factor")@contains$inte...@coerce
  function (from, strict = TRUE)
    attributes(from) <- NULL
<environment: namespace:methods>

> selectMethod("coerce", c("factor", "integer"))
  Method Definition:

  function (from, to, strict = TRUE)
    value <- as.integer(from)
    if (strict)
        attributes(value) <- NULL
<environment: namespace:methods>

That isn't a problem here because both methods will produce
the same result but is there any reason why the former
couldn't use the same code as the latter?

A more radical approach would be to have a call to

  selectMethod("coerce", c("integer", "numeric"))

have the same effect on the table of coerce methods than a
call to

  as(1:4, "numeric")

i.e. the former will insert the same automatic method as the
latter. That means that all the hard work made by the as()
function in order to find/create/cache an appropriate method
would need to be moved to selectMethod() so in that function
'f="coerce"' would become a special case.
Then as() would become a 10 line function (or less) that would
basically delegate to selectMethod("coerce", ...) to do the hard
work. This solution seems better to me as it would then guarantee
consistency between what as() does and what
selectMethod("coerce", ...) says.



On 3/31/10 3:52 PM, Hervé Pagès wrote:

> class(as(1:4, "numeric"))
  [1] "integer"

Surprising but an explanation could be that an integer
vector being a particular case of numeric vector, this
coercion has nothing to do because 1:4 is already numeric.
And indeed:

> is.numeric(1:4)
  [1] TRUE
> is.numeric(as(1:4, "numeric"))
  [1] TRUE

However, 'as(1:4, "numeric")' is inconsistent with

> class(as.numeric(1:4))
  [1] "numeric"

And, even more confusing, if you look at the coerce,ANY,numeric

> selectMethod("coerce", c("integer", "numeric"))
  Method Definition:

  function (from, to, strict = TRUE)
    value <- as.numeric(from)
    if (strict)
        attributes(value) <- NULL
<environment: namespace:methods>

          from      to
  target  "integer" "numeric"
  defined "ANY"     "numeric"

it calls as.numeric()!

So how can 'as(1:4, "numeric")' not return the same thing as
'as.numeric(1:4)' looks like a mystery to me. Could it be
conceivable that I found a bug?


> sessionInfo()
R version 2.11.0 Under development (unstable) (2010-03-15 r51282)

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_CA.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
 [3] LC_TIME=en_CA.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_CA.UTF-8
 [5] LC_MONETARY=C              LC_MESSAGES=en_CA.UTF-8
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_CA.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

Hervé Pagès

Program in Computational Biology
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N, M2-B876
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109-1024

Phone:  (206) 667-5791
Fax:    (206) 667-1319

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