
Thanks for your reply. I took your suggestion and tried the Cholesky
factorization with dppsv, the positive definite version of dspsv. I
found dppsv to be a great deal faster than dspsv, as might be expected
since dspsv uses a more complicated factorization. However, I ran into
trouble with computational singularities with dppsv. In this particular
case, I don't mind having least squares solutions that aren't unique.
The dspsv routine appears to be more robust in this regard. The speed is
sufficiently improved with dppsv that I opted to use both in the code,
trying dppsv first, then dspsv if dppsv fails.

I agree, packed storage was more trouble than it was worth in this case,
but yielded mild to moderate improvements in speed and memory usage.
Addressing the elements of a packed matrix can be complicated, but it
makes a difference whether it's upper packed, or lower packed. To
address each type of matrix, I use the following macros

//address upper triangular packed storage matrix
//a00, a01, a11, a02, a12, a22, a03, a13, a23, a33, ...
//0 <= i <= j < n
#define UMAT(i, j) (i + j * ( j + 1 ) / 2)

//address symmetric full storage (by column) matrix
//a00, a10, ..., an0, a01, a11, ..., an1, ...
//0 <= i, j < n
#define FMAT(i, j, n) (i + j * n)

//address lower triangular packed storage matrix
//a00, a10, ... ,an0, a11, a21, ..., an1, a22, a32, ...
//0 <= j <= i < n
#define LMAT(i, j, n) (i + j * ( 2 * n - j + 1 ) / 2)

Notice that UMAT doesn't require the matrix dimension n! Hence, when n
is retrieved from memory, it may be more efficient to address an upper
packed storage matrix than a full storage matrix. I'll have to test this
theory, though it's probably compiler dependent.

Thanks again,


On Mon, 2010-04-19 at 12:44 -0400, Douglas Bates wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 10:27 PM, shotwelm <> wrote:
> > r-devel list,
> >
> > I have recently written an R package that solves a linear least squares
> > problem, and computes the multivariate normal density function.
> For both of those applications you can use a Cholesky decomposition of
> the symmetric matrix.  If the Cholesky decomposition fails then you
> have a singular least squares problem or a singular
> variance-covariance matrix for your multivariate normal density
> function.
> Have you tried comparing the speed of your code to
> prod(diag(chol(mm))^2
> or, probably better, is to use the logarithm of the determinant
> 2 * sum(log(diag(chol(mm)))
> If you use the Matrix package class dpoMatrix to solve the linear
> system it will cache the results of the Cholesky decomposition when
> solving the system so later evaluation of the determinant will be very
> fast - although I suspect you would need to be working with matrices
> of sizes in the hundreds or doing the same operation thousands of
> times before you would notice a difference.
> If you really insist on doing this in compiled code you just need to
> call F77_CALL(dpotrf) then accumulate the product of the diagonal
> elements of the resulting factor.
> You could use packed storage but the slight advantage in memory usage
> (at best, 1/2 of the full storage usage) is not worth the pain of
> writing code to navigate the packed storage locations.
> > The bulk
> > of the code is written in C, with interfacing code to the BLAS and
> > Lapack libraries. The motivation here is speed. I ran into a problem
> > computing the determinant of a symmetric matrix in packed storage.
> > Apparently, there are no explicit routines for this as part of Lapack.
> > While there IS an explicit routine for this in Linpack, I did not want
> > to use the older library. Also, right before I needed the determinant of
> > the matrix A, I had used the Lapack routine dspsv to solve the linear
> > system Ax=b, which does much of the work of computing a determinant
> > also. In fact, the solution I came up with involves the output of this
> > routine (which might be obvious to Lapack designers, but not me)
> >
> > My modest Googleing turned up very little unique material (as is typical
> > with BLAS/Lapack/Linpack queries). Hence, I am writing the r-devel list
> > partly to document the solution I've come up with, but mainly to elicit
> > additional wisdom from seasoned R programmers.
> >
> > My solution to the problem is illustrated in the appended discussion and
> > C code. Thanks for your input.
> >
> > -Matt Shotwell
> >
> > --------------
> >
> > The Lapack routine dspsv solves the linear system of equations Ax=b,
> > where A is a symmetric matrix in packed storage format. The dspsv
> > function performs the factorization A=UDU', where U is a unitriangular
> > matrix and D is a block diagonal matrix where the blocks are of
> > dimension 1x1 or 2x2. In addition to the solution for x, the dspsv
> > function also returns the matrices U and D. The matrix D may then be
> > used to compute the determinant of A. Recall from linear algebra that
> > det(A) = det(UDU') = det(U)det(D)det(U'). Since U is unitriangular,
> > det(U) = 1. The determinant of D is the product of the determinants of
> > the diagonal blocks. If a diagonal block is of dimension 1x1, then the
> > determinant of the block is simply the value of the single element in
> > the block. If the diagonal block is of dimension 2x2 then the
> > determinant of the block may be computed according to the well-known
> > formula b11*b22-b12*b21, where bij is the value in the i'th row and j'th
> > column of the block.
> >
> >  int i, q, info, *ipiv, one = 1;
> >  double *b, *A, *D, det;
> >
> >  /*
> >  ** A and D are upper triangular matrices in packed storage
> >  ** A[] = a00, a01, a11, a02, a12, a22, a03, a13, a23, a33, ...
> >  ** use the following macro to address the element in the
> >  ** i'th row and j'th column for i <= j
> >  */
> >  #define UMAT(i, j) (i + j * ( j + 1 ) / 2)
> >
> >  /*
> >  ** additional code should be here
> >  ** - set q
> >  ** - allocate ipiv...
> >  ** - allocate and fill A and b...
> >  */
> >
> >  /*
> >  ** solve Ax=b using A=UDU' factorization where
> >  ** A represents a qxq matrix, b a 1xq vector.
> >  ** dspsv outputs the elements of the matrix D
> >  ** is upper triangular packed storage
> >  ** in the memory addressed by A. That is, A is
> >  ** replaced by D when dspsv returns.
> >  */
> >  F77_CALL(dspsv)("U", &q, &one, A, ipiv, b, &q, &info);
> >  if( info > 0 ) { /*issue warning, system is singular*/ }
> >  if( info < 0 ) { /*issue error, invalid argument*/ }
> >
> >  /*
> >  ** compute the determinant det = det(A)
> >  ** if ipiv[i] > 0, then D(i,i) is a 1x1 block diagonal
> >  ** if ipiv[i] = ipiv[i-1] < 0, then D(i-1,i-1),
> >  ** D(i-1,i), and D(i,i) form the upper triangle
> >  ** of a 2x2 block diagonal
> >  */
> >  D = A;
> >  det = 1.0;
> >  for( i = 0; i < q; i++ ) {
> >    if( ipiv[ i ] > 0 ) {
> >      det *= D[ UMAT(i,i) ];
> >    } else if( i > 0 && ipiv[ i ] < 0 && ipiv[ i-1 ] == ipiv[ i ] ) {
> >      det *= D[ UMAT(i,i) ] * D[ UMAT(i-1,i-1) ] -\
> >             D[ UMAT(i-1,i) ] * D[ UMAT(i-1,i) ];
> >    }
> >  }
> >
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> > mailing list
> >
> >

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