Hi Duncan,
  Thanks for reminding me. See below for the error information from *.Rout
  It seems that 'pkgname' was not found. I am not sure whether there is some
problem with my functions or it is a little bug.
  Thanks a lot.
> assign("ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
> ## at least one package changes these via ps.options(), so do this
> ## before loading the package.
> ## Use postscript as incomplete files may be viewable, unlike PDF.
> ## Choose a size that is close to on-screen devices, fix paper
> grDevices::ps.options(width = 7, height = 7, paper = "a4", reset = TRUE)
> grDevices::postscript(paste(pkgname, "-Ex.ps", sep=""))
Error in paste(pkgname, "-Ex.ps", sep = "") : object 'pkgname' not found
Calls: <Anonymous> -> checkIntFormat -> gsub -> paste
Execution halted

2010/4/23 Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.dun...@gmail.com>

> On 21/04/2010 9:48 PM, rusers.sh wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>    Today, i just installed the newest R version 2.10.1 and other necessary
>> tools for building R package under windows,e.g. Rtools, perl. All are the
>> newest version.
>>  After the correct configuration under windows (configuration should be
>> correct), i use it to re-check my old package. I found the following
>> prolem
>> when checking EXAMPLEs in each function, which did not exist before this
>> re-installation.
>> ########
>> * checking examples ... ERROR
>>  Running examples in 'stam-Ex.R' failed.
>> ########
>>  I used "\dontrun{} % enddontrun" in all the examples of my functions that
>> should be no problem, i think. I checked my package before and did not
>> find
>> errors. I also browsed the checking results in 'stam-Ex.R'. It listed all
>> the example codes in that file, something like this,
>>  cleanEx(); nameEx("stcdt")
>>  ### * stcdt
>>  flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
>>  ###example codes
>>  I did not met this problem before.  Any ideas on solving this?
>>  Thanks a lot.
> You need to show us the end of the stam-Ex.Rout file.  It will contain the
> error message.
> Duncan Murdoch

Jane Chang

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