Indeed, the R version is 2.9.2. But the package was built on the very
same system. Besides, another package built with the same version of R
but on another machine does not show this nasty behavior. Upgrading,
however, could pose more problems as it solves, since even if I could
upgrade locally, it would be a mess to assure that all colleagues
upgrade as well. 

Anyways, even if the chm format is not supported any more by current
versions of R, it should work with older ones, right? So, what can I do
additionally to get to the bottom of this problem?

Thanks + BR,


-----Original Message-----
From: Uwe Ligges [] 
Sent: samedi 12 juin 2010 18:21
To: Thaler,Thorn,LAUSANNE,Applied Mathematics
Subject: Re: [Rd] CHM help does not find help docs in package stats

Which version of R is this?
CHM help is R < 2.10.0. All versions thereafter do not support compiled 
html help anymore.

Please upgrade your version of R and try one of the currently supported 
help formats.

Best wishes,
Uwe Ligges

On 11.06.2010 12:06, Thaler, Thorn, LAUSANNE, Applied Mathematics wrote:
> Hi all,
> currently I'm working on an R package bundling some frequently used
> functions. When I load my package and type
> ?one_of_my_functions
> I get the particular help file. If I try to get help on another
> function, which is part of package stats (prcomp say), I get "This
> program cannot display the webpage". A help on ?mean does, however,
> as it opens a new window showing the help on mean.
> There is another peculiarity, if it happens that I requested a help
> for a function in the package stats before I used the help on one of
> functions, everything works out fine.
> Does anybody know how I can get rid of this annoying behavior? It has
> have something to do with my particular package, since everything
> as expected with another package of mine.
> I override one of the functions of stats (biplot.default), which is,
> however, not exported and resides within my namespace. Could that be
> reason?
> Any help highly appreciated. Thanks + BR,
> Thorn
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