Hello everyone,
I have been attempting to make use of the newly implemented detachedEval 
functionality and I am having a few teething issues.
My code works fine when tested with both the Client and the Server on a single 
machine, but issues arise when I run them separately.Possibly because the local 
/ local connection is running voer a Unix socket rather than tcp proper?
Rsession* theSession;theSession = 
rc->detachedEval("source(\"hdlc_processing.r\")");delete rc;
rc = new Rconnection(theSession);rc->connect();

Owing to firewall issues I am having to make use of an ssh tunnel for the 
connection, hence the manual override of the port number.Thus I am in fact 
using this:
Rsession* testSession = new 
Rsession(theSession->host(),6311,theSession->key());rc = new 
This results in the following being outputted on the Rserve debug side.
session: resuming session, waiting for connections.connection accepted.sending 
ID string.
header read result: 16DUMP [16]: 31 be 18 07 15 57 93 6f 9d a3 53 56 99 f4 3b 
7fdiscarding buffer because too big (awaiting 1871927061 bytes)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Martin Kerr
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