 How is it possible to use the name of a generic function as
 the name of a function which is not related to the generic
 function? For example, if I define predict.my.function, R
 will relate it to predict function and I'll get the following
 warning when I run R CMD check
 * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
   function(object, ...)
 predict.my.function ...
2- I get the following warning although I have used "require" of the related 
library in the function and imports in DESCRIPTION file

no visible global function definition for coxph

3- Although I use the alias of an Rd file of my package in cross references:

See Also as \code{\link{object.name}} 
where object.name is the name of an Rd file without Rd, I get the following 

Missing link(s) in documentation object './man/object.name.Rd':

 I don't think that I will have use the name of my package.

Look forward to your reply,


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