  I wanted to add a dataset to a complete R package I am working on
(the package cleanly installs and passes the R CMD check).
The data (a matrix) was saved, and the save() image dragged to the
/data folder, and is a .Rdata file.  It can be read directly using
load (see below), but now the R CMD check indicates "subdirectory data
contains no datasets" and it won't load using 'data()'.  I have read
through the R extensions manual and Leisch's tutorial, but can't find
a good hint as to what is going wrong.  I also tried this with
added to the 'export' in the NAMESPACE, with no effect.

> library(latticeDensity)
> data(polygon1)
Warning message:
In data(polygon1) : data set 'polygon1' not found
> file.choose()
[1] "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Ronald Barry\\My
> load( "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Ronald Barry\\My 
> Documents\\latticeDensity\\data\\polygon1.Rdata")
> polygon1
           [,1]      [,2]
 [1,] 0.6421053 0.8132050
 [2,] 0.6845247 0.4814305
 [3,] 0.7057345 0.2858322
 [4,] 0.6696779 0.2066025
 [5,] 0.5190888 0.1892710
 [6,] 0.5445405 0.4145805
 [7,] 0.5424195 0.6275103
 [8,] 0.5233307 0.7983494
 [9,] 0.5000000 0.7983494
[10,] 0.5127258 0.5458047
[11,] 0.5042419 0.3303989
[12,] 0.4851532 0.1348006
[13,] 0.2836606 0.1843191
[14,] 0.2582090 0.3675378
[15,] 0.1733700 0.6795048
[16,] 0.3154753 0.8057772
[17,] 0.2391202 1.0162311
[18,] 0.5381775 0.9592847
[19,] 0.7333071 0.9320495

Thank you for any pointers.

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