Thank you Romain.

This ends the thread.

I will post comments/questions about your planned changes to rcpp-devel.


On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Romain Francois

> Dear Dominick,
> Thank you so much for the numerous reminders about this request of yours.
> You will be pleased to know that as part of our ongoing search for quality,
> the current development version of the Rcpp package no longer contains code
> from what we call the `classic Rcpp' API. We owe this classic API to your
> contribution and for that we are grateful. It will be released as another
> package outside of Rcpp as a courtesy to R users and CRAN package
> maintainers who still want to use this API which we consider deprecated.
> As of the current svn status of Rcpp (rev 2711 on r-forge), your name
> appears in several places, detailed below. Feel free to take whatever
> actions you find appropriate if this does not suit your needs.
> Lastly, please do not take R-devel hostage of this thread anymore. Feel
> free to send your questions and remarks to the place where it belongs: the
> Rcpp-devel mailing list.
> Regards,
> Romain
> $ grep -R Samperi * | grep -v .svn
> DESCRIPTION: 'classic Rcpp API' was written during 2005 and 2006 by
> Dominick Samperi.
> debian/copyright:R / C++ interface package. Rcpp was written by Dominick
> Samperi,
> debian/copyright:   2005 and 2006 by Dominick Samperi
> inst/announce/ANNOUNCE-0.6.0.txt:Rcpp was initially written by Dominick
> Samperi as part of his contributions
> inst/doc/Rcpp-introduction.Rnw:\pkg{Rcpp} first appeared in 2005 as a
> contribution (by Samperi) to the
> inst/doc/Rcpp-introduction.Rnw:in early 2006. Several releases (all by
> Samperi) followed in quick succession
> inst/doc/Rcpp.bib:  author =     {Dominick Samperi},
> inst/doc/Rcpp.bib:@Manual{Samperi:2009:RcppTemplate,
> inst/doc/Rcpp.bib:  author =     {Dominick Samperi},
> inst/README:Rcpp continues and extends earlier work by Dominick Samperi
> which he initially
> inst/THANKS:Dominick Samperi        for starting what we now call the
> Classic Rcpp
> man/Rcpp-package.Rd:  The initial versions of Rcpp were written by Dominick
> Samperi during 2005 and
> src/ (C) Dominick Samperi and Uwe Ligges and gratefully
> acknowledged
> * In the DESCRIPTION file [1] in the Description field
> * In the debian/copyright file [2]
> * in the ANNOUNCE-0.6.0.txt file which records the announcement that was
> made about the relauch of Rcpp. The file is a plain text copy of the email
> that was sent to the R-pkgs mailing list on 2008/12/03 [3].
> * In the Rcpp-introduction.Rnw file [4]. In the Historical context
> subsection.
> * In the Rcpp.bib file [5] that we use to reference to creations of yours.
> * In the README file [6] where we acknowledge that Rcpp initiated from you.
> * In the THANKS file [7] where we acknowledge your involvment.
> * In the file [8]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]
> Le 03/12/10 00:28, Dominick Samperi a écrit :
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel<>
>  wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> On 2 December 2010 at 17:23, Dominick Samperi wrote:
> >> | OK, since you are so accomodating, then please remove all reference to
> >> | my name from Rcpp as I do not want to be subject to arbitrary
> revisions
> >> of
> >> | my status. I may not have the right to say how my prior work will be
> >> used,
> >> | but I think I have the right to ask that my name not be used in the
> way
> >> | it is used in the recent update.
> >>
> >> As I pointed out, you change your mind on this every 12 months, limiting
> my
> >> patience and willingness for these dances.  It has also been suggested
> by
> >> other than attribution is clearer if you listed as the maintainer of the
> >> 2005/2006 code that we started from in 2008.
> >>
> >
> > The change that this thread is a reaction to happened a few days ago, not
> > 12 months ago. If I wavered in the past it was because I was being
> > forced to compete with my own work, not a pleasant place to be.
> >
> > Are you telling me that you refuse to stop using my name
> > in Rcpp (except in copyright notices)?
> >
> > Are you telling me that you will continue to use my name and
> > update the associated status as you see fit, whether or not I
> > approve or consent to those changes?
> >
> > Please answer yes or no.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dominick
> --
> Romain Francois
> Professional R Enthusiast
> +33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
> |- : Evolution of Rcpp code size
> |- : RcppGSL initial release
> `- : parser 0.0-12

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