On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 11:26 +0100, Joris Meys wrote:
> Dear,
> According to the documentation, the parameters given in "dates" are
> passed to the function "chron". When trying this out, it turns out
> that this apparently doesn't happen, eg:
> > dates("20100101",format="Ymd",out.format="day mon year")
> [1] 01/01/10
> > chron("20100101",format="Ymd",out.format="day mon year")
> [1] 01 Jan 2010

It does actually. If you read the code and/or debug `dates` to see what
is happening, `out.format` is passed on to `chron` which does its thing
and passes back the correctly formatted object as specified by

However, `dates` then goes on to unclass the returned object and then
stick back on a class. It also tries to preserve the "format" in the
first line of `dates`

fmt <- attr(x, "format")

but in your example this is NULL as `x` is just a character. The code
reapplies this stored format later on with

attr(out, "format") <- fmt

as the last line before returning out.

The "format" attribute of the object returned by `chron` never gets
stored or used on the object returned form `dates`.


> I would expect the outcome of both functions to be the same, or am I
> overlooking something?
> Kind regards
> Joris

 Dr. Gavin Simpson             [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
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