Thanks for all replies.

I found Sweave.sty in the system files of my local machine. It was sitting in 
/usr/share/R/texmf/. The content is the same as the file sent previously. So 
file has always been in the system but R has been unable to find it.

I put the sty file in the home directory, in the folder where the Rnw file is, 
used \usepackage{/usr/share/R/texmf/Sweave.sty},

still with R CMD check, texi2dvi can't be found.

Recall that before I started to create the package vignette, I could generated 
the pdf file of the tex file by invoking texi2dvi in an R session after loading 



----- Original Message ----
From: Kasper Daniel Hansen <>
To: carol white <>
Cc: Duncan Murdoch <>;
Sent: Thu, December 23, 2010 5:13:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Rd] Error in generating sweave-tex -> pdf file

Hi Carol

As you now know, this is because per default R/Sweave puts the line
in the generated tex file.  This means the tex file is "portable", but
it also implies that Sweave.sty needs to be "installed" in your tex
installation.  Or you can put the Sweave.sty in the directory of the
Rnw file since tex usually is set up to search the same directory.

An alternative is to get R to generate a line like
in the tex document.  This implies that the tex file can only be
tex'ed on a setup where the Sweave.sty is at the same place - hence it
kind of break portability.  Now portability of the tex file does not
matter to many users - most of us think of the tex file as an
intermediate file and only care about the Rnw file and the final PDF.
You get this behaviour by setting the environment variable
An easy way to do this is to include the following line in your .Rprofile

This trick also fixes running Sweave on a system where you do not have
admin rights.


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 5:14 AM, carol white <> wrote:
> Another question that I have is the following:
> If I want to create the package vignette on a server for which I don't have
> admin rights to install Sweave.sty, where is the best place to save this file 
> I want to run from anywhere in my home directoy or do I have to put this file 
> a directory where I should always run from there?
> I also attach Sweave.sty to check if it the right file.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Duncan Murdoch <>
> To: carol white <>
> Cc:
> Sent: Thu, December 23, 2010 2:01:26 PM
> Subject: Re: [Rd] Error in generating sweave-tex -> pdf file
> On 23/12/2010 7:46 AM, carol white wrote:
>> R installation and admin manual doesn't tell where to save Sweave.sty.
> You shouldn't need to move it.
>> I use R 2.10.0, fedora 10 and, tex  Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6)
> That R is pretty old.  I wouldn't be surprised if the current release
> handled things better.  But the thing that appears to be missing on your
> system is texinfo, and that's not part of R.
> Duncan Murdoch
>> Cheers,
>> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Duncan Murdoch<>
>> To: carol white<>
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Thu, December 23, 2010 1:21:14 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Rd] Error in generating sweave-tex ->  pdf file
>> On 23/12/2010 5:26 AM, carol white wrote:
>>> When I copied Sweave.sty in the directory where I ran R, I didn't have any
>>> error. But this is not the good solution as R can be run in any folder.
>>> I copied Sweave.sty in  /usr/share/texmf/. I put my Rnw file in inst/doc
>> folder
>>> in my R package to create the vignette. I ran R CMD check and it doesn find
>>> texi2dvi.
>> texi2dvi is both a function name in R (in the tools package) and a GNU
>> utility that comes with texinfo and some TeX distributions, but
>> apparently not with yours.  See the R Installation and Administration
>> manual for suggestions on where to get it.  If that doesn't help, you
>> might get help on this list by stating the versions of everything you're
>> using: R, your OS, and TeX.
>> Duncan Murdoch
>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>> From: Duncan Murdoch<>
>>> To: carol white<>
>>> Cc:
>>> Sent: Wed, December 22, 2010 10:33:01 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Rd] Error in generating sweave-tex ->   pdf file
>>> On 22/12/2010 1:30 PM, carol white wrote:
>>>> Should the Sweave package be in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/? How about
>>>> Sweave.sty?
>>> I meant Sweave.sty, there's no separate Sweave package.  It should be in
>>> the R home directory, somewhere within share/texmf.
>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>>> Thanks
>>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>>> From: Duncan Murdoch<>
>>>> To: carol white<>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Sent: Wed, December 22, 2010 6:42:07 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Rd] Error in generating sweave-tex ->    pdf file
>>>> On 22/12/2010 12:27 PM, carol white wrote:
>>>>>    Hi,
>>>>>    I created a Sweave file (see below). when I want to convert tex
>>>>>    file generated from it into pdf, I get error message as follows:
>>>>>    >     texi2dvi("test.tex", pdf=TRUE)
>>>>>    Error in texi2dvi("test.tex", pdf = TRUE) :
>>>>>       Running 'texi2dvi' on 'test.tex' failed.
>>>>>    LaTeX errors:
>>>>>    ! Undefined control sequence.
>>>>>    l.8 \begin
>>>>>               {Schunk}
>>>> The Schunk, Sinput, and Soutput environments are defined in Sweave package.
>>>> Something went wrong and latex didn't find them, either because it didn't
>> find
>>>> Sweave.sty, or because it did, but that file has been messed up.
>>>>>    ?
>>>>>    ! Interruption.
>>>>>    ! Interruption.
>>>>>    <to be read again>
>>>>>                        {
>>>>>    l.8 \begin{
>>>>>                Schunk}
>>>>>    ! Undefined control sequence.
>>>>>    l.9 \begin
>>>>>               {Sinput}
>>>>>    The control sequence at the end of the top line
>>>>>    of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
>>>>>    ------------------------
>>>>>    test.Rnw
>>>>>    \usepackage{Sweave}
>>>>>    \ documentclass [ a4paper ]{ article }
>>>>>    \ title { Sweave Example 1}
>>>>>    \ begin { document }
>>>>>    \ maketitle
>>>> Are there really spaces between the backslashes and the macros?  I think
> that
>>>> doesn't work.  You should also have the \usepackage{Sweave} line after the
>>>> opening \documentclass line.
>>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>>>>    In this example we embed parts of the examples from the
>>>>>    help page into a \ LaTeX {} document :
>>>>>    <<a>>=
>>>>>    y=2
>>>>>    y = y +1
>>>>>    @
>>>>>    which shows that the location parameter of the Ozone
>>>>>    distribution varies significantly from month to month . Finally we
>>>>>    include a boxplot of the data :
>>>>>    \end{ document }
>>>>>    ______________________________________________
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