On Mon, 17 Jan 2011, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

On 16 January 2011 at 23:00, Xiaobo Gu wrote:
| Is it because of compiler campsites between R and PostgreSQL, R is
| compiled by GCC, while PostgreSQL from Enterprise DB is compiled by
| Microsoft Visual C ++.

So the usual recommendation is to build the matching library (here libpq)
with the same compiler, or get the commercial support you are paying for to
do it for you.

For what it is worth, I deal with one vendor at work where I made that
requirement and they had no issue complying / helping me with a MinGW /
Rtools-compatible library.  One of several reasons I like working with that

And also for what it is worth, RPostgreSQL works for me on x64 Windows 7 compiled with the Rtools compilers and linked against the initial PostgreSQL 9.0 Windows x64 distribution (I've not tried the one you mentioned).

Where C (and not C++) is involved it should be possible to mix DLLs compiled by MinGW-w64 and MSVC, and this has been done extensively (after all a lot of Windows' own DLLs are compiled with MSVC, as are the Tcl/Tk binaries which are distributed with R).


| Xiaobo Gu
| On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 10:34 AM, Xiaobo Gu <guxiaobo1...@gmail.com> wrote:
| > Hi,
| > I build the binary package file of RPostgreSQL 0.1.7 for Windows 2003
| > Server R2 64 bit SP2, the software environments are as following:
| >         R 2.12.1 for Win64
| >         RTools212 for Win64
| >         DBI 0.2.5
| >         RPostgreSQL 0.1.7
| >         Postgresql related binaries shipped with
| > postgresql-9.0.2-1-windows_x64.exe from EnterpriseDB
| >
| > The package can be loaded, and driver can be created, but the
| > dbConnect function causes the whole RGui crashes,
| >
| > driver <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
| > con <- dbConnect(driver, dbname="demo", host="",
| > user="postgres", password="postgres", port=5432)
| >
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