Hi all,

I use txtProgressBar to monitor progress of large computations. What I miss is the ability to redirect the progress bar to a stream other than stdout, specifically to the message stream. This would be useful for running Sweave scripts: When redirected to stderr, the bar could be visible even though console output is diverted to the output file (and there would be no cluttering of the generated latex).

I'd suggest the following changes to txtProgressBar:
- a new argument 'file' (compare to 'cat') which defaults to stderr() (there might be reasons to use stdout(), but I believe a progress bar is mostly intended as a diagnostic tool and not for console output, which is printed or saved in some cases). - the calls to 'cat' that update the progress bar get 'file = file' as additional argument so that output is redirected as desired.

In case anyone from the core team is willing to incorparate this idea, I attached the patch file for the necessary changes below.

Best regards,


<              width = NA, title, label, style = 1)
>              width = NA, title, label, style = 1, file=stderr())
<             cat(paste(rep.int(char, nb-.nb), collapse=""))
>             cat(paste(rep.int(char, nb-.nb), collapse=""), file = file)
<                 "\r", paste(rep.int(char, nb), collapse=""), sep = "")
> "\r", paste(rep.int(char, nb), collapse=""), sep = "", file = file)
<             cat("\r", paste(rep.int(char, nb), collapse=""), sep = "")
> cat("\r", paste(rep.int(char, nb), collapse=""), sep = "", file = file)
<                 "\r", paste(rep.int(char, nb), collapse=""), sep = "")
> "\r", paste(rep.int(char, nb), collapse=""), sep = "", file = file)
<         cat(paste(c("\r  |", rep.int(" ", nw*width+6)), collapse=""))
> cat(paste(c("\r |", rep.int(" ", nw*width+6)), collapse=""), file = file)
<                     ), collapse=""))
>                     ), collapse=""), file = file)
<             cat("\n")
>             cat("\n", file = file)

Andreas Borg
Medizinische Informatik

der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik
Obere Zahlbacher Straße 69, 55131 Mainz

Telefon +49 (0) 6131 175062
E-Mail: b...@imbei.uni-mainz.de

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