On 3/23/2011 10:21 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> Everything in the "inst" directory is moved up a level when it is 
> installed.  So you shouldn't mention "inst" in its path.
I discovered this by error-and-trial.  ?system.file is mute on this.  
Perhaps R-ext.pdf could make this explicit by saying

The R working directory for all vignette tests in R CMD
check is the installed version of the ‘doc’ subdirectory. Make sure all 
files needed by the vignette
(data sets, . . . ) are accessible by either placing them in the 
‘inst/doc’ hierarchy of the source
package, or using calls to system.file(),
*noting that the "inst" directory is moved up a level when it is 
installed and should not be mentioned
in the path used in system.file().*

Michael Friendly     Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca
Professor, Psychology Dept.
York University      Voice: 416 736-5115 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814
4700 Keele Street    Web:   http://www.datavis.ca
Toronto, ONT  M3J 1P3 CANADA

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