Hi Charlie,
Thanks so much!
That is very informative and extremely interesting.
I have yet to learn how to setup the GNU autotools Configure script, but
it's time for me to get there. I think that should be my next step and I'll
definitely be checking out that GNU package and the `rgdal` example. Also, I
really appreciate you telling me about the www.omegahat.org stuff. I'll be
looking into that stuff no doubt! That's neat that you started off with
fortran. I just got fortran again when I was playing with GNU's gcc
compilation. I think in some instances it makes the fastest code.

On 4/22/11 3:22 PM, "Sharpie" <ch...@sharpsteen.net> wrote:

smcguffee wrote:
> Hi Charlie, 
> Thanks for the help,
> I think
> some of my story of having been reading the documentation and
> playing with
> examples for weeks has gotten lost in the switch of threads.
> I
> think most
> of that confusion also comes from me not figuring out how to
> connect
> different sections of the documentation. I think I get it now that
> just
> because I can do 'R CMD SHLIB X.cc X_main.cc' from a command line
> doesn¹t
> mean that I need to put that command into a package directly, and
> even that
> I can¹t explicitly put that line in a package because it¹s
> magically done
> for me. I appreciate folks having patience with me as some
> of
> my questions
> seem redundant, but it is all starting to come together for
> me.

When I
> first started out extending R with compiled code, I used R CMD SHLIB
as well.
> Don't know why exactly, it was probably the first thing I stumbled
across in
> the manual. Once I learned about making packages and that putting
C, C++ or
> Fortran code in the `src` directory of the package magically
caused a library
> to be built, I quit using R CMD SHLIB---probably haven't
touched it in
> years.

I think R CMD SHLIB may be intended more for compiling external
> programs
that want to hook into the R libraries rather than things intended to
> be
loaded by R it's self.

smcguffee wrote:
> At this point I think I am
> beginning to get a good enough idea of how this
> stuff is working on the R
> interface side of things. I pretty much just
> have
> one more question:
> How do I let users adjust their system specific paths to non-R libraries
> for
> my package installation but not for everyone else¹s package
> installation?
> I
> get the feeling users can control things in my package
> somehow through
> their
> R configurations if I use the PKG_LIBS =
> `$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript -e
> "Rcpp:::LdFlags()"` command in the src/Makevars
> file. However, I'm still
> lost as to how this would be customized to my
> package. I mean, that
> command
> doesn¹t specify anything unique to my
> package and could potentially be
> used
> by other package installations too.
> That file is inside my package, so I
> don¹t think users can modify it
> directly and explicitly with their system
> specific paths before they
> install. Maybe if other packages link to extra
> libraries it doesn't hurt
> anything. Is that the answer? Would users need
> to
> add all my requisite
> non-R libraries into their R configurations to get
> `$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript -e
> "Rcpp:::LdFlags()"` to link my package correctly
> and let all other packages
> link to way more libraries than necessary?

Well, the best answers to this
> question lie inside the "Writing R
Extensions" manual---specifically Section
> 1.2 "Configure and Cleanup".  The
short version is:

 - If the code in your
> package needs custom compiler flags, add a 
`src/Makevars` file that contains
> them.

 - If the code in your package dependes on external libraries, add
> a
Configure script, written using GNU autotools, that will
> produce
`src/Makevars` from a template `src/Makevars.in` that contains the
> `-L` and
`-I` flags required to link your code against the external
> library.

However, I will again suggest taking this one step at a time:

> Build a toy package that includes C or C++ code that needs to be
> Observe how `R CMD INSTALL` compiles the code for you and how to
use `.onLoad`
> or `.First.Lib` to `dyn.load` the resulting library when a
user runs `library`
> on your package.  Bonus points for reading enough of
"Writing R Extensions" to
> know if having an R NAMESPACE in your package has
any effect on this
> process.

  - Extend your toy package to include C++ code that needs custom
> compiler
flags. See how you can achieve this with `src/Makevars`.

  - Extend
> your package again with an external dependency that requires a
> script. A good example of such a package is `rgdal`---it has to
find both the
> GDAL and PROJ4 libraries in order to compile operational code.

If you run
> into any trouble along the way, stop and read "Writing R
Extensions". If you
> really get stuck, you can then ask the mailing list a
very focused question
> along with an example that shows what is going wrong
for you. Then you have a
> good change of getting helpful answers.  Right now
your questions are spanning
> the entire spectrum from beginning to advanced
package authoring and so the
> most likely answer you will get from the list
is "slow down and read the
> manual".

smcguffee wrote:
> Thanks for your help,
> Sean
> P.S.
> The rest of this message is my rambling, so only those interested in my
> thoughts should continue reading. Especially those interested in sparing
> their own time should stop reading here--the question above is my last
> inquiry for the list. What comes below is just my train of thoughts/flow
> of
> consciousness spewing needlessly.
> It was definitely a good idea for
> me to look in the R source code. It
> seems
> that dynload.c names.c dotcode.c
> Rdynload.c were of most interest to me in
> understanding that magical unicorn
> with an adorable animated cartoon
> story.
> I found that link quite enjoyable
> by they way! Regarding the files I just
> mentioned, I notice that the code is
> in the form of c files and that quite
> a
> lot of info from library files is
> used to get function pointers in the
> functions of interest to me. I wonder
> if making those files into cpp files
> that would get compiled with a c++
> compiler would let them call c++
> functions directly or if the info to get
> the function pointers would be of
> a
> completely different type of syntax
> and/or if there is more to that story.
> I
> suppose it makes no difference in
> practice because one would probably
> still
> have to make a c++ wrapper
> function to interface with R, but I'm just
> curious about this stuff. I mean,
> in principle, it makes sense to be able
> to
> call a function directly
> without having to go through the trouble of
> wrapping it in c, especially for
> hundreds of C++ functions in a library.
> It
> might be that I can write one
> general argument handling function in C as
> is
> to interface with R and let
> it call any of my C++ functions in my
> libraries,
> slightly shortening my
> tasks. Anyway, it was really eye opening to see
> that
> R is actually calling
> it's own generic pointers to functions and just
> pre-assigning them to
> function pointers from libraries. I didn't know that
> could be done, and I
> imagine hackers must love that capacity, a capacity
> that seems to be
> inherent in c or c++. It does seem a little bit limiting
> that the arguments
> are limited in number and that each function pointer
> with
> a different
> number of arguments has to be conditionally called inside the
> R
> code.
> However, I have the same complaint about bash having a limit on the
> total
> size of data that can be passed as arguments into an executable. It
> looks to
> me like fixing that type of thing in bash requires recompiling
> the
> kernel
> because it's hard wired non-dynamically into the capacity of
> launching
> executables themselves. I hope this type of thing starts to
> change
> as
> hardware is way exceeding the original expectations of the
> non-dynamically
> allocated original design of executable launch and dynamic
> allocation has
> clearly demonstrated it¹s superiority in general. That type
> of thing comes
> into issue for me on command line scripts when I sometimes
> have lists of
> files that are longer than the capacity of command line
> arguments. For
> example, a "grep someText *" or ³ls *² will only work if
> the
> size of the
> arguments in the * expansion is less than the system's
> capacity
> for
> arguments passed to executables. I hit that limit all the time, and
> that's
> annoying because scripts that normally work break in larger
> situations,
> rendering their applicability useless in what are typically
> more
> interesting cases. Anyway, that's all a tangent from this R interfacing
> stuff. However, it was news to me that R could have a similar type of
> limit
> for functions in packages until I looked into the code. I don't think
> this
> is an issue in R because I'll just design one Rcpp argument to contain
> all
> the info I need inside itself. However, it's good to know that I need
> to
> do
> that. Anyway, I'm also wondering if it might be easier to modify
> compilers
> themselves and/or incorporate their code into R's code, i.e.
> easier than
> doing all this work around to fit into their mold. In a way that
> is sort
> of
> done to access the function pointers from libraries, but I
> mean, it seems
> logical that a program such as R should be able to call any
> function with
> any number of arguments abstractly without needing to have the
> functions
> get
> conditionally called with a given number of arguments at
> compile time for
> R.
> I can imagine converting a string to a call to a
> number of arguments that
> is
> determined by the syntax of the string without
> being defined before the
> compilation of R. That type of idea, if possible,
> could allow a more
> dynamic
> range of options in packages, at least not
> limited by a number of
> arguments.
> Like I said, that¹s not important
> because one argument can contain an
> endless amount of info, but it sparked
> my curiosity. I might peak at GNU's
> gcc compiler collection to see if I can
> come up with some ideas for that
> type of thing--basically building dynamic
> compilation and execution
> options,
> but I imagine it would be way over my
> head, a long time coming, and of
> course potentially unstable. The long and
> short of it for me is that it
> was
> way cool to see how R is calling C
> functions from packages or non-R
> libraries.

Quite a brain dump there!
> Some things that you may want to look into in the

  - The original
> mailing list you posted to, Rcpp, is for an R package that
wraps the C API of
> R into C++ classes.  I would bet it also provides methods
for calling R code
> and C++ without having to write as many R functions.  I
have not had the
> pleasure of using Rcpp yet---Fortran was my first compiled
language and I am
> still moving my way up the food chain :)

  - The inline package may be of
> interest to you---It allows C, C++ and
Fortran programs to be stored as text
> strings at the R level and then
dynamically compiled, loaded and interfaced.
> Could be along the lines of
what you were thinking about with "building
> dynamic compilation and
execution options".

  - Also, it is always fun to
> drop by the Omegahat project
(www.omegahat.org) and see what Duncan Temple
> Lang has been cooking up. He
has a couple of packages for interfacing R with
> compiled code via LibFFI
(rather than the built in pointer method you
> observed) and one package that
has the beginnings of some LLVM
> bindings.


On 4/21/11 10:02 PM, "Sharpie"
> &lt;ch...@sharpsteen.net&gt; wrote:

> smcguffee wrote:
>> You are
> right, I looked and I did find the R source code. However, it's
>> largely
> written in R! I mean, I don't know how to trace the R code where
> recognized and follow it to a c or c++ level command. For
>> example
>> these
> are hits in .R files, not c files, and I don't know how to connect
> ...
>> If you could point me to the functions that are called a c or c++
> level,
>> I'd
>> love to see what R is doing for myself.
>> Thanks!
>> Sean
> Hi Sean!
> Along with many other people in this thread, I would
> strongly recommend a
> top-down approach to this. Build a package, stick some
> stuff in the src
> folder, run R CMD INSTALL on it and see what happens. The
> reason I
> recommend
> this approach is that it lets you focus on writing a
> package that does
> something useful rather than the nuts and bolts of cross
> platform
> compilation and installation. R CMD INSTALL takes care of this for
> you
> automagically and it is very good at what it does.
> I wrote a post
> some time back about building an example package from
> scratch
> that
> contains C code:
> http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Writing-own-simulation-function-in-C-td1580190.h
> tml#a1580423
> It begins with the using the package.skeleton() function
> to kickstart
> things, discusses how to make sure the compiled code is
> dynamically loaded
> when a user runs library(your_package) and even discusses
> how to call R
> functions from inside of C functions and vice-versa. The
> example code is
> still available and I'm sure it could be generalized to C++
> quite easily.
> There are also some other responses in that thread that offer
> useful
> advice.
> At the beginning it is just best to treat R CMD
> INSTALL as a magical
> unicorn
> that gets you where you need to go:
> http://abstrusegoose.com/120
> (keep clicking the images to get the full
> story)
> If you are absolutely, positively dying to know what really
> happens...
> well,
> the relative files in the R source are
> `src/library/tools/R/install.R` and
> `src/library/tools/R/build.R`.
> But seriously. Magical unicorn. Takes care of the hard stuff so you can
> build awesome packages.
> Hope this helps!
> -Charlie

> Sharpsteen
Undergraduate-- Environmental Resources Engineering
Humboldt State
> University
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