Dear all,

I've just discovered the 'Reference Classes'.
In a previous attempt ---a year ago--- to re-implement in a Object Oriented
fashion the AMORE package using S4 classes I strongly felt the need of such
capability. It's great to have the Reference Classes now available. Along
with the discovery of the Rcpp package, this new programming paradigm has
boosted my interest in rewriting that package.

Nevertheless, I have found a surprising behavior in the $copy(shallow=FALSE)
method. Let's have a look at the results which I believe are
self-explanatories. The ".Data" field is a list which contains objects from
the "Con" class  ---connections for what is worth---.

> p$copy(shallow=FALSE) -> k
> p$.Data
An object of class "Con"
<environment: 0x15a370c4>

An object of class "Con"
<environment: 0x15b6ed94>

An object of class "Con"
<environment: 0x15b4ba08>

> k$.Data
An object of class "Con"
<environment: 0x15a370c4>

An object of class "Con"
<environment: 0x15b6ed94>

An object of class "Con"
<environment: 0x15b4ba08>

As you can see the elements of both lists share the memory addresses while I
was expecting the shallow=FALSE to perform a deep copy and create copies of
those objects as well.

As I'm new with reference classes this causes me a lot of confussion. Is
this a bug, is this a feature?

Any insights about the matter are welcome

Thanks in advance



 Manuel Castejón Limas

 University of León,


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