On Tue, 5 Jul 2011, Simon Urbanek wrote:

On Jul 5, 2011, at 2:08 PM, Matthew Dowle wrote:

Simon (and all),

I've tried to make assignment as fast as calling `[<-.data.table`
directly, for user convenience. Profiling shows (IIUC) that it isn't
dispatch, but x being copied. Is there a way to prevent '[<-' from
copying x?

Good point, and conceptually, no. It's a subassignment after all - see R-lang 
3.4.4 - it is equivalent to

`*tmp*` <- x
x <- `[<-`(`*tmp*`, i, j, value)

so there is always a copy involved.

Now, a conceptual copy doesn't mean real copy in R since R tries to keep the 
pass-by-value illusion while passing references in cases where it knows that 
modifications cannot occur and/or they are safe. The default subassign method 
uses that feature which means it can afford to not duplicate if there is only 
one reference -- then it's safe to not duplicate as we are replacing that only 
existing reference. And in the case of a matrix, that will be true at the 
latest from the second subassignment on.

Unfortunately the method dispatch (AFAICS) introduces one more reference in the 
dispatch chain so there will always be two references so duplication is 
necessary. Since we have only 0 / 1 / 2+ information on the references, we 
can't distinguish whether the second reference is due to the dispatch or due to 
the passed object having more than one reference, so we have to duplicate in 
any case. That is unfortunate, and I don't see a way around (unless we handle 
subassignment methods is some special way).

I don't believe dispatch is bumping NAMED (and a quick experiment
seems to confirm this though I don't guarantee I did that right). The
issue is that a replacement function implemented as a closure, which
is the only option for a package, will always see NAMED on the object
to be modified as 2 (because the value is obtained by forcing the
argument promise) and so any R level assignments will duplicate.  This
also isn't really an issue of imprecise reference counting -- there
really are (at least) two legitimate references -- one though the
argument and one through the caller's environment.

It would be good it we could come up with a way for packages to be
able to define replacement functions that do not duplicate in cases
where we really don't want them to, but this would require coming up
with some sort of protocol, minimally involving an efficient way to
detect whether a replacement funciton is bing called in a replacement
context or directly.

There are some replacement functions that use C code to cheat, but
these may create problems if called directly, so I won't advertise




 Small reproducible example in vanilla R 2.13.0 :

x = list(a=1:10000,b=1:10000)
class(x) = "newclass"
"[<-.newclass" = function(x,i,j,value) x      # i.e. do nothing
[1] "<0xa1ec758>"
x[1,2] = 42L
tracemem[0xa1ec758 -> 0xa1ec558]:    # but, x is still copied, why?

I've tried returning NULL from [<-.newclass but then x gets assigned

"[<-.newclass" = function(x,i,j,value) NULL
x[1,2] = 42L
tracemem[0xa1ec558 -> 0x9c5f318]:

Any pointers much appreciated. If that copy is preventable it should
save the user needing to use `[<-.data.table`(...) syntax to get the
best speed (20 times faster on the small example used so far).


On Tue, 2011-07-05 at 08:32 +0100, Matthew Dowle wrote:

Thanks for the great suggestion. I've written a skeleton assignment
function for data.table which incurs no copies, which works for this
case. For completeness, if I understand correctly, this is for :
 i) convenience of new users who don't know how to vectorize yet
 ii) more complex examples which can't be vectorized.


system.time(for (r in 1:R) DT[r,20] <- 1.0)
  user  system elapsed
12.792   0.488  13.340

After :

system.time(for (r in 1:R) DT[r,20] <- 1.0)
  user  system elapsed
 2.908   0.020   2.935

Where this can be reduced further as follows :

system.time(for (r in 1:R) `[<-.data.table`(DT,r,2,1.0))
  user  system elapsed
 0.132   0.000   0.131

Still working on it. When it doesn't break other data.table tests, I'll
commit to R-Forge ...


On Mon, 2011-07-04 at 12:41 -0400, Simon Urbanek wrote:

On Jul 4, 2011, at 2:47 AM, Timothée Carayol wrote:

Hi --

It's my first post on this list; as a relatively new user with little
knowledge of R internals, I am a bit intimidated by the depth of some
of the discussions here, so please spare me if I say something
incredibly silly.

I feel that someone at this point should mention Matthew Dowle's
excellent data.table package
(http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/index.html) which
seems to me to address many of the inefficiencies of data.frame.
data.tables have no row names; and operations that only need data from
one or two columns are (I believe) just as quick whether the total
number of columns is 5 or 1000. This results in very quick operations
(and, often, elegant code as well).

I agree that data.table is a very good alternative (for other reasons) that 
should be promoted more. The only slight snag is that it doesn't help with the 
issue at hand since it simply does a pass-though for subassignments to data 
frame's methods and thus suffers from the same problems (in fact there is a 
rather stark asymmetry in how it handles subsetting vs subassignment - which is 
a bit surprising [if I read the code correctly you can't use the same indexing 
in both]). In fact I would propose that it should not do that but handle the 
simple cases itself more efficiently without unneeded copies. That would make 
it indeed a very interesting alternative.


On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 6:19 AM, ivo welch <ivo.we...@gmail.com> wrote:
thank you, simon.  this was very interesting indeed.  I also now
understand how far out of my depth I am here.

fortunately, as an end user, obviously, *I* now know how to avoid the
problem.  I particularly like the as.list() transformation and back to
as.data.frame() to speed things up without loss of (much)

more broadly, I view the avoidance of individual access through the
use of apply and vector operations as a mixed "IQ test" and "knowledge
test" (which I often fail).  However, even for the most clever, there
are also situations where the KISS programming principle makes
explicit loops still preferable.  Personally, I would have preferred
it if R had, in its standard "statistical data set" data structure,
foregone the row names feature in exchange for retaining fast direct
access.  R could have reserved its current implementation "with row
names but slow access" for a less common (possibly pseudo-inheriting)
data structure.

If end users commonly do iterations over a data frame, which I would
guess to be the case, then the impression of R by (novice) end users
could be greatly enhanced if the extreme penalties could be eliminated
or at least flagged.  For example, I wonder if modest special internal
code could store data frames internally and transparently as lists of
vectors UNTIL a row name is assigned to.  Easier and uglier, a simple
but specific warning message could be issued with a suggestion if
there is an individual read/write into a data frame ("Warning: data
frames are much slower than lists of vectors for individual element

I would also suggest changing the "Introduction to R" 6.3  from "A
data frame may for many purposes be regarded as a matrix with columns
possibly of differing modes and attributes. It may be displayed in
matrix form, and its rows and columns extracted using matrix indexing
conventions." to "A data frame may for many purposes be regarded as a
matrix with columns possibly of differing modes and attributes. It may
be displayed in matrix form, and its rows and columns extracted using
matrix indexing conventions.  However, data frames can be much slower
than matrices or even lists of vectors (which, like data frames, can
contain different types of columns) when individual elements need to
be accessed."  Reading about it immediately upon introduction could
flag the problem in a more visible manner.



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Luke Tierney
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