On Wednesday 03 August 2011, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> I can't reproduce this.  Can you get any more detail, e.g. by setting
> options(error=recover) or similar?

Interestingly, that does not start a browser, and options(error=dump.frames) 
appears to have no effect, either. geterrmessage() does list the error, though. 
I'm not sure whether that is or is not the expected handling of errors inside 
input handlers.

Either way, I found I can trigger the error using
   tools:::httpd("/doc/html/Search", c(pattern = "grid"))
debugging from there shows that the error is on line
   vignettes[i,] <- c(pkg, unlist(vignette[,c("File", "Title", "PDF", "R")]))
At this point, "vignette" is:
                File                 Title             PDF  Depends Keywords
   1 displaylist.Rnw Display Lists in grid displaylist.pdf graphics         
   2 displaylist.Snw Display Lists in grid displaylist.pdf graphics         
   1 displaylist.R
   2 displaylist.R

> Vignettes listed twice sounds as
> though you may have two copies of grid installed in your .libPath(), but
> that shouldn't happen for a base package.

It appears, the cause of the problem was failure to "make clean" every once in 
a while, and this resulted in installing both displaylist.Rnw and 
displaylist.Snw (into a single library location).


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