    I hope we have the right mailing list.  We are two of a team of
developers for DMTCP (transparent checkpoint-restart).  It runs under
Linux, and is free software (LGPLv3+), found at:
    In our latest release, version 1.2.3, we have done some simple
testing on R, and find that we can successfully checkpoint and restart.
Its usage can be as simple as:
  dmtcp_checkpoint R   [ run under checkpoint control ]
  dmtcp_command --checkpoint [ from a diff. window, creates ckpt_R_*.dmtcp ]
  dmtcp_restart ckpt_R_*.dmtcp [ from original window ]
  ALTERNATIVELY:  ./dmtcp_restart_script.sh

    We are interested in supporting R to a fuller extent.  But we don't
have enough experience with R to do more thorough testing.  We have tested
DMTCP on a small test in C, which frequently loads and unloads libraries
(w/ dlopen).  We added this test in C, because we understand that loading
and unloading libraries is part of the core design of R.
    Would it be possible for someone to try out R/DMTCP on some realistic
R programs and give us feedback on what works or doesn't work?  We believe
that transparent checkpointing would be helpful to the R community for
any long-running programs.

Thanks and best wishes,
- Gene and Kapil (representing the DMTCP team)

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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