
I am interested in creating a package that requires non-GPL'd (commercial) C
code to work.  In essence it is a single .c file with no use of R headers
(all .C callable functions).  For example's sake:

  1 #include <stdio.h>
  3 void test (int *a) {
  4   *a = 101;
  5 }

The package isn't destined for CRAN, and I realize that this isn't R-legal,
but looking for some expert advice from anyone else who may have encountered
this previously.

The question is whether or not one can distribute code that has multiple
licenses (.c or individual .R files), including some that are not
GPL-compatible, as a tar.gz (or binary) file.  i.e., does the packaging
process [R CMD ***] cause everything to become GPL, as we are using R itself
to build the package?

I can of course provide the C libs in this case as a separate install, but
that adds complexity to the overall build and install process.


Jeffrey Ryan


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