+1 for roxygen2, lazycoolness oblige.

An alternative that has not been mentioned is inlinedocs,
I don't use it myself, but it might appeal to your workflow.


On 10 September 2011 06:41, Hadley Wickham <had...@rice.edu> wrote:
>> | In other languages, I've seen to write the documentation inside the
>> | code files and then post-process to make the documentation.  Is there
>> | a similar thing for R, to unify the R code development and
>> | documentation/package-making process?
>> You can also follow the cool kids who these days tie some of this together
>> using roxygen.
> It's not the cool kids who are doing this, it's the lazy kids ;)
> Roxygen(2) does remove a considerable amount of replication between
> code and documentation (e.g. replicating function usage in two
> places), and the close proximity between code and documentation does
> make it easier to remember to update your documentation when the code
> changes.
> Roxygen2 adds a few other tools for reducing duplication like
> templates, the ability to inherit parameter documentation from other
> function, and the family tag to automatically add seealso references
> between all members of a related family of functions.  These are
> things that are painful to do by hand and add a significance
> maintenance burden.
> I agree that there's no silver bullet, but good tools certainly can
> make life easier.
> Hadley
> --
> Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
> Department of Statistics / Rice University
> http://had.co.nz/
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