On 14.09.2011 12:27, Brian Oney wrote:
Hi List,
I hope this is correct list to propose function extensions, sorry if not.
I am preparing for a (hopefully painless) migration to linux. As far as
I am aware of, the function "shell.exec" only comes with the windows
version. I think this is a handy little function and would like to see
my scripts work when I migrate.

May I propose something (like the following)?

open.file <- function(file) {
if(.Platform$OS.type=="windows") {shell.exec(file)} else
{system(paste("open ",file))}

Or just a small addition to the shell.exec function and no new named
Hope the idea isn't received as "too stupid".

What is "open" supposed to do on a non-Windows machine? I do not have it on the only Linux installation I looked at now, hence we obviously cannot assume it exists on an arbitrary installation.

Uwe Ligges


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