Thanks for the suggestions. Just to wrap up this thread...

Rainer Krug pointed out that Roxygen did have dependency graphs, although 
Roxygen2 doesn't. But I guess (probably wrongly!) that I'd need to 
process/modify the .R files to use that, and I'm not the package author.

Duncan Murdoch pointed out codetools::findGlobals which can be used to find 
functions called by a target function. But I want to find functions calling 
a target function.

Mark Bravington pointed out mvbutils::foodweb and callers.of which almost do 
what I want (I think it was this I half remembered). But this works in the 
namespace of the package, and my target function isn't exported so foodweb 
doesn't see it!

Working from Duncan's suggestion I came up with this, not pretty or fast, 
could certainly be improved, but it did my one-off job.:
# return a character vector of names of functions in 'tarPack' (character) 
which directly call the function 'tarFunc' (character) <- function(tarFunc, tarPack){
flist <-   sapply(lsf.str(tarPack, all=TRUE), c)
names(flist) <- NULL
gotit <- sapply(flist, function(x) tarFunc %in% findGlobals(get(x, tarPack), 
# e.g."CreateMeanFizz", "package:sensory")

Thanks again for the input.

Keith Jewell

>> Hi,
>> I'd like to know which functions in a package call one specific
>> function.
>> I think I've seen a tool for identifying such dependencies, but now I
>> can't find it :-( Searches of help and R site search for keywords
>> like function, call, tree, depend haven't helped :-(
>> Can anyone point me in the right direction?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Keith Jewell
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