
A probably very naive remark, but I believe that the probability of sum(
runif(10000) ) >= 50000 is exactly 0.5. So why not just test that, and
generate the uniform values only if needed ?

Karl Forner

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Raymond <gw...@mail.missouri.edu> wrote:

> Hi R developers,
>    I am new to this forum and hope someone can help me with .Call in R.
> Greatly appreciate any help!
>    Say, I have a vector called "vecA" of length 10000, I generate a vector
> called "vecR" with elements randomly generated from Uniform[0,1]. Both vecA
> and vecR are of double type. I want to replace elements vecA by elements in
> vecR only if sum of elements in vecR is greater than or equal to 5000.
> Otherwise, vecR remain unchanged. This is easy to do in R, which reads
>    vecA<-something;
>    vecR<-runif(10000);
>    if (sum(vecR)>=5000)){
>       vecA<-vecR;
>    }
>    Now my question is, if I am going to do the same thing in R using .Call.
> How can I achieve it in a more efficient way (i.e. less computation time
> compared with pure R code above.).  My c code (called "change_vecA.c")
> using
> .Call is like this:
>    SEXP change_vecA(SEXP vecA){
>         int i,vecA_len;
>         double sum,*res_ptr,*vecR_ptr,*vecA_ptr;
>         vecA_ptr=REAL(vecA);
>         vecA_len=length(vecA);
>         SEXP res_vec,vecR;
>         PROTECT(res_vec=allocVector(REALSXP, vec_len));
>         PROTECT(vecR=allocVector(REALSXP, vec_len));
>         res_ptr=REAL(res_vec);
>         vecR_ptr=REAL(vecR);
>         GetRNGstate();
>         sum=0.0;
>         for (i=0;i<vecA_len;i++){
>              vecR_ptr[i]=runif(0,1);
>              sum+=vecR_ptr[i];
>         }
>         if (sum>=5000){
>            /*copy vecR to the vector to be returned*/
>            for (i=0;i<vecA_len;i++){
>                  res_ptr[i]=vecR_ptr[i];
>            }
>         }
>         else{
>                /*copy vecA to the vector to be returned*/
>                for (i=0;i<vecA_len;i++){
>                      res_ptr[i]=vecA_ptr[i];
>                }
>         }
>         PutRNGstate();
>         UNPROTECT(2);
>         resturn(res);
> }
> My R wrapper function is
>        change_vecA<-function(vecA){
>              dyn.load("change_vecA.so");
>              .Call("change_vecA",vecA);
>        }
>         Now my question is, due to two loops (one generates the random
> vector and one determines the vector to be returned), can .Call still be
> faster than pure R code (only one loop to copy vecR to vecA given condition
> is met)? Or, how can I improve my c code to avoid redundant loops if any.
> My
> concern is if vecA is large (say of length 1000000 or even bigger), loops
> in
> C code can slow things down.  Thanks for any help!
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Call-in-R-tp4080721p4080721.html
> Sent from the R devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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